Stanhope arms Rodley

Old, disused, forgotten and converted pubs
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Post by smallships »

Some 50 years ago while doing abit of courting at cottages calverly road I used to go to the Stanhope Arms . The landlord was Alan Modley with a gootte beard also the beer was served through a lancer, is brother was Albert Modley the famous comidian. As anyone any thoughts going back all those years.     smallships

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Post by Bramley4woods »

smallships wrote: Some 50 years ago while doing abit of courting at cottages calverly road I used to go to the Stanhope Arms . The landlord was Alan Modley with a gootte beard also the beer was served through a lancer, is brother was Albert Modley the famous comidian. As anyone any thoughts going back all those years.     smallships 1) As I understand it the food at "The Stanhope" was always very good even before dining out became the norm.2) I doubt Albert Modley's jokes would have stood the test of time if they were on the bill nowadays. I like impersonators as much as the next man, but his act included an impersonation of a tramcar (with sound effects).
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Post by dogduke »

What is a lancer in connection withbeer please ? - never heard lancer used that way.
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Post by STICKS »

Are you talking about the stanhope over the road from what was Zandos may have spelt that wrong,i was down there yesterday if its the same one i new its called Paris know ,i took my mam there the day i passed my test many many years ago memories, love em    

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Post by smallships »

smallships wrote: Some 50 years ago while doing abit of courting at cottages calverly road I used to go to the Stanhope Arms . The landlord was Alan Modley with a gootte beard also the beer was served through a lancer, is brother was Albert Modley the famous comidian. As anyone any thoughts going back all those years.     smallships Bramley 4 WoodsI do beleave food at the Stanhope was good in those days. I never listened to the jokes. Oh as a lad we played in the woods. A Lancer was used to fill your glass with beer it came through under presure this lance was abought 2 ft long and would with the pipe reach the end of the bar. Have we no members of that era and in the area. Itsw now called i beleave Paris.    

Uno Hoo
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Post by Uno Hoo »

Don't remember lances.The earliest landlord I can remember at the Stanhope was Jack Showers, a complete nutjob. He left to take over the New Inn at Appletreewick which he then turned into Britain's first non-smoking pub in memory of one of his mistresses who'd died of lung cancer. I went there once; he'd managed to make it a most unwelcoming mausoleum. He'd also changed from eccentric to downright unpleasant.At least, as Paris the premises have had a new lease of life. The pub was closed for some considerable time.Is the Railway at Rodley still doing OK?
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Post by simong »

Uno Hoo wrote: Don't remember lances.The earliest landlord I can remember at the Stanhope was Jack Showers, a complete nutjob. He left to take over the New Inn at Appletreewick which he then turned into Britain's first non-smoking pub in memory of one of his mistresses who'd died of lung cancer. I went there once; he'd managed to make it a most unwelcoming mausoleum. He'd also changed from eccentric to downright unpleasant.At least, as Paris the premises have had a new lease of life. The pub was closed for some considerable time.Is the Railway at Rodley still doing OK? The Railway seems to do ok. There's a new housing development there which must serve it fairly well. It seems pretty lively at weekends.My Dad told me about the New Inn in the 80s as his walking club went out that way. He pretty much used the same description as you!

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Post by geoffb »

Uno Hoo wrote: Don't remember lances.The earliest landlord I can remember at the Stanhope was Jack Showers, a complete nutjob. He left to take over the New Inn at Appletreewick which he then turned into Britain's first non-smoking pub in memory of one of his mistresses who'd died of lung cancer. I went there once; he'd managed to make it a most unwelcoming mausoleum. He'd also changed from eccentric to downright unpleasant.At least, as Paris the premises have had a new lease of life. The pub was closed for some considerable time.Is the Railway at Rodley still doing OK? We used to go to mob handed to Burnsall a lot when I was a nipper in the early 60s.The dads went to the Red Lion for Youngers IPA, best ale going according to my dad. We stopped for petrol at the New Inn, yes they sold petrol from a pump out front. The Landlord would not fill us up because me dad only wanted 10 bobs worth, probably 3 gallons. Well me dad went mad with him, had him by the throat, he relented and gave us the fuel. Fish and chips from Harry Ramsdens on the way home, happy days

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Post by stutterdog »

Uno Hoo wrote: Don't remember lances.The earliest landlord I can remember at the Stanhope was Jack Showers, a complete nutjob. He left to take over the New Inn at Appletreewick which he then turned into Britain's first non-smoking pub in memory of one of his mistresses who'd died of lung cancer. I went there once; he'd managed to make it a most unwelcoming mausoleum. He'd also changed from eccentric to downright unpleasant.At least, as Paris the premises have had a new lease of life. The pub was closed for some considerable time.Is the Railway at Rodley still doing OK? It's a bit of a coincidence this, as I'm going for a meal there on Sat with Mrs. Stutterdog and her brov and sis and their spouses! We've booked a taxi from Farsley to the Railway Pub before the meal as the Black Sheep ale in there was spot-on last time I was in. As you mentioned, Jack Showers was the first landlord I can remember at the Stanhope and it had a reputation as a bit of a knockin' shop, Know what I mean! Know what I mean! He had some caravans at the back which were used by couples for "£$£$%? Then I think a chap called John Brown had it for a few years and it was pretty good then and the food was excellent.He went bankrupt and it closed for some time . It was then reopened as Paris resteraunt and is still going today.
ex-Armley lad

Uno Hoo
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Post by Uno Hoo »

I've remembered that Showers wrote an autobiography called "Showers & Bright Intervals" which I read. The only bit I can remember is an account of doing things with a pet monkey that are not for the eyes of the sensitive readers of this forum. But, as I say, he was a complete nutjob.Glad to hear the Railway seems to be surviving and thriving. Hope you have an enjoyable evening, Stutters.
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, moves on; nor all thy Piety nor all thy Wit can call it back to cancel half a Line, nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

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