Scotland Mill - a walk and an explore

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Post by Phill_dvsn »

I just did a Google search for 'old toilets Adel woods' Blimey the things that search throws up!!
My flickr pictures are here lunacy was the influence for an album. It goes without saying that an album about lunacy will breed a lunatics obsessions with an album - The Dark side of the moon!

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Post by Leodian »

Apologies that from my posts I have taken this thread away from its main theme. As I have done so I thought however that I may as well add this photo that I took on June 11 2010 in the wood on the Alwoodley side of Adel Beck. It was a well made structure, so not likely something that kids would put up for a few moments fun.
__TFMF_l1fq5s2xcbbm2zzzxx2ogemw_9e9a9915-fff2-4b8b-9765-240680787da3_0_main.jpg (122.96 KiB) Viewed 6901 times
A rainbow is a ribbon that Nature puts on when she washes her hair.

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Post by The Parksider »

jim wrote: Is what you enquire of a situation where a secondary waterway crosses another without actual contact? If so two possibilities occur.Firstly artificial watercourses were usually carried over ground not belonging to the user, and he would purchase rights or more often arrange a "wayleave", The second possibility is involved with water purity. If a side stream contained impurities etc that were less favourable it would pay the next mill or works downstream to bypass that side stream across its watersupply. Guesswork of course. Anyone got any further suggestions? Very interesting ideas Jim a BIG thank you. The stonework creating a very "upright" channel has best be seen - or maybe I should master taking and posting pictures. I can't find any map that shows this or even shows a side stream. Ah Well.... can be accessed via googleearth pressing on the little blue square and it states it is the "housing of the water wheel". I am sure it's not because a wheel pit houses a waterwheel and not a block of 2'x2'x8' stone.The position of this is not at the southern end of the original oblong mill building but in a further area/building just some meters SW of the main building.It's here that there's some sort of basement with a arched brick ceiling showing. Any ideas on the block?

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Post by The Parksider »

Phill_dvsn wrote: Here you go csnosi!Scotland Mill detail.         THANKS for the maps and ariel piccy Phil.On this map the Mill looks to be largely dismantled for stone and "ruin" is depicted in the area below the earthwork lines where the goit stops to turn at right angles along the launder and onto the big wheel.The so called wheel housing is not there, it's in the additional and at this time still whole building (depicted by being shaded) to the left of the grid line.

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Post by jim »

A waterwheel contains an axle which runs in two or more substantial bearings. The bearings would require even more substantial mounting blocks to support the weight, and to prevent any possible movement of the wheel away from its position. Although I would hesitate to positively so identify the stone, it is of a size neccessary for such a function. It could have been moved from its original stone built setting at the wheelpit for some reason, a not impossible feat for a millwright with a supply of suitable timber planks and packing, a few rollers, and a block and tackle fastened to a handy tree trunk or two.Reverting to your original query about the reason for the cross channel, a feature on the last map that Phill D posted above made me consider another guess. If a channel had been provided at a fairly sharp gradient to an undershot wheel , and a later mill needed a larger but shallower gradient for an additional mill with perhaps an overshot wheel, there could be a reason for such a crossing.Perhaps I need to have my imagination taken out and shot! ( and I see that yet again my message has crossed with yours )    

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Post by Brunel »

Followed "The Parksider" today, on the Meanwood Valley Trail.A few pictures of some of the old stonework close to Scotland Millare here:

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Post by The Parksider »

Brunel wrote: Followed "The Parksider" today, on the Meanwood Valley Trail.A few pictures of some of the old stonework close to Scotland Millare here: Brunel - you are an absolute gem, always coming up with the goods!!! I do hope you enjoyed your walk. I find if you like walking, local history, an industrial archeology a walk can be three times as good!!!Picture 5 and 6 are between the dam and the mill so nothing directly to do with either. The old "clapper bridge" is a gem and straddles the steep stone structure in the hillside.(especially for Jim) the stonework of this channel is impresive and the fall steep (noting that the mill goit runs high along the top of the valley hillside alongside the clapper bridge so the dam is fairly high to ensure this) but the purpose is elusive,If it carries a stream it doesn't now, if it ever carried a stream it was not on any map!!!Thanks again the Mighty Brunel    

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Post by chameleon »

Moved to the existing thread here for continuity -JogonUser Location: LS16 8BQJoined on: 21-Dec-2011 17:58:33Posted: 460 posts # Posted on: 17-Feb-2012 22:36:09.    Delete | Edit | Quote Accepting that there will never be one correct answer, did you/does anyone know how many Mills Adel / Meanwood Beck powered?Just the few up-stream are Adel Mill, Scotland Mill, Cornmill Parkside Road, (tannery?) Weetwood Paper Mill. And that's just to the Hollies.The ParksiderUser Location: LeedsJoined on: 10-Nov-2007 08:25:38Posted: 1123 posts # Posted on: 18-Feb-2012 18:22:07.    Delete | Edit | Quote Jogon wrote: does anyone know how many Mills Adel / Meanwood Beck powered?From adel to leedscorn, flax, flax, corn, paper, paper, linseed, cloth, paper, cloth, mustard, flour, flax.....RoughlyVery roughlyI'll have to go and see what is left of each! Top The ParksiderUser Location: LeedsJoined on: 10-Nov-2007 08:25:38Posted: 1123 posts # Posted on: 18-Feb-2012 20:13:04.    Delete | Edit | Quote Jogon wrote: Mills Adel / Meanwood Beck powered?Some of the mills changed use. Some became dye works. there were also tanneries on the beck.I do not know wether tanneries or dye works required water power?It may be they required water full stop?    

The Parksider
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Post by The Parksider »

The Parksider wrote: 200 yards down along the race is a stone structure of two walls lining a channel running through and off the goit. At first I thought this was to just carry a side stream down to adel back - a pointless exercise when it could just drain straight into the Goit. I stood and wondered for some time and had no idea - anyone?? J Below Scotland mill is a mill dam and race for Weetwood Mill in superb preservation. Like Scotland Mill the race is higher than the stream/Beck.At a point halfway between the dam and the mill is a similar stone structure that is functional still and is an overflow for water from the goit to go back into the stream/beck.I assume this is to regulate the flow of water so that it is constant in terms of the power it delivers to the wheel.Anyone who fancies a lovely walk should go down Weetwood Mill Lane - its superb as are the houses and cottages there and the water power architecture....

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Post by Jogon »

Pksider -I have noticed the stone 'overflows' you mentioned, working ones in Hollies too from memory.Scotland woods are surprisingly beautiful to my mind. Unpromising patch of trees you pass on the ring road, but worth a visit. Atkinson Grimshaw painted in the woods around Adel and Meanwood and his 'Mossy Glen' is close to what you get there.Scotland woods are all the more interesting to me for the amount of serious stone 'groundworks' that still remain. At one point (heading ring rd>adel, left of woods) I came across a sort of large stone wall structure extending across to my right across the valley. Will take camera & elaborate. The mill played a big part in growth of Leeds and Industry too, a shame it didn't survive. The place also saw water brought to Leeds.The amount of "industry" there is amazing.

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