Bacchus “cafe”

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Bacchus “cafe”

Post by Boristhebear »

Ok this is a random one. Around 2000 (maybe a year or so before or after) I remember going to an after club in Leeds city centre. It was on a bank holiday Sunday after Sundissential. It was like an old cafe or something then you went upstairs and it had a dance floor. Was run by a guy called Graham I think. It was around the Merrion Centre maybe Wade Lane? Think the guy who owned it got sent to prison 😂 it was obviously a cafe called Bacchus before hand and converted or something... it was an alternative to Glasshouse I think... anyone remember?

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Re: Bacchus “cafe”

Post by Leodian »

Sorry Boristhebear that I cannot help you with your query.
I did though not know what Sundissential was so I had to look it up! For anyone else that did not know "it was the Leeds club night where fancy dress and elaborate outfits were the de rigeur". Information I found was unclear but it seems that it was located in the Grand Arcade in the very late 1990s and was where other clubs had been and were to be.
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Re: Bacchus “cafe”

Post by Boristhebear »

Yeah sundissential was in the Grand Arcade at Europa which turned to Gatecrasher later on. Bacchus was an old cafe converted to an after club. Wasn’t far from the Grand Arcade, near the Merrion centre -I think. My memories are kinda blurry haha

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