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Posted: Fri 30 Nov, 2007 3:22 pm
by munki
The mysterious archway can actually be seen on the plan, cutting into the south-east corner of the massive foundations of the tower. There is another one, symetrically, in the 'missing' cells to the other side of the dividing wall that you couldn't get through.Part of the reason that the geography of this part of the building might be so confused might arise from the history of the tower. Brodrick & Atack had already got quite far with the construction of the building before the Corporation made the late decision to have a tower after all. The much strengthened foundations to support the tower therefore had to be built into the fabric of an exising construction.

Posted: Fri 30 Nov, 2007 3:22 pm
by Phill_d
Here's a closer look how thick those walls are.. You can see the arches were semi circular at one time with brick infill added later.

Posted: Fri 30 Nov, 2007 3:22 pm
by munki
Me & Phil seem to be posting exactly the same pictures, here!

Posted: Fri 30 Nov, 2007 3:25 pm
by Phill_d
Oh right munki.. that explains all the mish mash of alterations then to carry all the extra weight.. Well i personally find this area far more interesting than the grand hallways & marble floors above.. It's like going back in time..

Posted: Fri 30 Nov, 2007 3:26 pm
by munki
As for the floor level. The floor of the cells is at the same height as the car park outside, & indeed the same height as the floor of the whole 'basement' level of the Town Hall. All access to the vaulted area in front of the cell is down two steps, whether you're coming from a cell, from outside, or from the rest of the building. I think this might be because of the curved ceiling, which accomodates the steps above. If the floor was the same height as the cell floors, then the corridor running in front of the cells would only be about a foot & a half wide, which would make it very unsafe for the guards!

Posted: Fri 30 Nov, 2007 3:29 pm
by Phill_d
Yeah munki... It's double posting.. I've nothing much more to put up so fire away mate.. I see you've been having a good old research into the place mate.. All credit to you.. Now there's a bit of interest for the cells and i've had a few people ask me as well but whats the info for these tours there doing at the mo?

Posted: Fri 30 Nov, 2007 3:32 pm
by munki
You should see some of the tunnels which form the old 'air-conditioning' system at the back of the building. Now they are a site!The other cells are now storage areas for PEPU (the Council's 'Peace & Emergency Planning' team.

Posted: Fri 30 Nov, 2007 3:35 pm
by munki
I think the tours are going most Sundays between now & the middle of February. You can find out, & get to see the cells (as well as the marvellous old Victorian courtroom), by phoning the city centre box office on 0113 2243801.

Posted: Fri 30 Nov, 2007 3:41 pm
by Phill_d
Thanks munki.. I'll put that info on my pics as a few have asked already.. We had a good look all the way round.. we went in the Bridewell bit they use for storage now. we found that bath down there? and the stairs into the courtroom! TAKE HIM DOWN!Infact we had such a good look about we got lost big time     

Posted: Fri 30 Nov, 2007 3:43 pm
by munki
Victorian 'Air Conditioning' #01