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Open fronted Tram on upper deck.

Posted: Fri 07 May, 2021 12:33 pm
by volvojack
Hello Members,
I would like some one to find the photograph of a Tram that was enclosed with the e. mail to me this morning. I simply can not do it. I would be very much obliged. Regards volvo jack.


Dear John
Thank you for your message – I apologise for the lengthy delay in replying caused by the closure of the Museum during lockdown.

I have attached a photograph of the Leeds tramcar which I think is the one that you used to travel on. If you would like a print please can you let me know the size you require and I will be able to give you the correct price.

The trams were Leeds Corporation Balcony Cars which were built by the Corporation between 1908 and 1923 and were in service until the 1940s. Some of the trams were later enclosed so that the outside balcony became part of the upper cabin. We have Leeds 345 in our collection at Crich and this is an example of a tram that originally had a balcony but was later enclosed – you may even have travelled on it as a child!

I hope this has been of interest.

Kind regards

Robert Morris
The National Tramway Museum, Crich, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 5DP

Email: [email protected]


The following submission was received from the General Enquiry form on the website. All submissions can also be viewed in the website admin area.

In the 1940s my Brother and i used to travel to school and back in Leeds by tram. The one we loved the most was the one with a front and back separate from the main cabin on the upper deck. not many braved this in the winter but as kids we loved it. Sadly my brother has passed away but i intend to visit your museum as soon as the situation improves. Is it possible that i could purchase a photograph of this car and would you also let me know the model number and name. we had many enjoyable rides on tram cars until Leeds decided to go over to buses which i guess were a move with the times.
Apologies for rambling on Kind Regards John Daly.

Leeds 309
Leeds 309.jpg
Leeds 309.jpg (882.02 KiB) Viewed 2082 times

Re: Open fronted Tram on upper deck.

Posted: Fri 07 May, 2021 12:42 pm
by tyke bhoy

Re: Open fronted Tram on upper deck.

Posted: Fri 07 May, 2021 12:59 pm
by volvojack
Good Afternoon tykebhoy,
Thank you for such a prompt reply. good of you to take the time out.
the one in the original picture was number 309 and certainly not as smart as number 345.
that picture must have been taken sometime in the winter as the sides are enclosed.
Thanks once again.

Re: Open fronted Tram on upper deck.

Posted: Fri 07 May, 2021 1:11 pm
by tyke bhoy the response you posted said they enclosed a picture of 345. There are a few more images on this page ... leeds-345/ which certainly suggest the top ends and probably drivers cab are later additions. Other serach results suggest the full enclosure was 1939.

Re: Open fronted Tram on upper deck.

Posted: Fri 07 May, 2021 1:16 pm
by volvojack
This 309 must have been around some time as on the side is an advert for a the Hippodrome ?? Is it possible someone could post that picture of that other tram going down Gipton Approach just before it's last stop (South farm Road) and before the Terminus.
I am pretty sure that this photograph has been posted on here before.

Re: Open fronted Tram on upper deck.

Posted: Fri 07 May, 2021 1:18 pm
by uncle mick
Tram 309
309.jpg (67.46 KiB) Viewed 2089 times

Re: Open fronted Tram on upper deck.

Posted: Fri 07 May, 2021 1:28 pm
by jma

I may have got hold of the wrong end of the stick but there are three images of car 309 on Leodis

Re: Open fronted Tram on upper deck.

Posted: Fri 07 May, 2021 1:29 pm
by tyke bhoy
Sorry not quite so confused, as I've jusr notice 309.jpg at the bottom
There is a picture of 309 and another tram on someones flickr account but as it isn't an image file I can't show it here.

Re: Open fronted Tram on upper deck.

Posted: Fri 07 May, 2021 2:07 pm
by jma

If I've understoof you correctly, you have received an email with an image as an attachment. The attchment will presumably be at the bottom of the email.

If you click on the attachment you should be able to download it. Your computer may offer you different options to do this. Once downloaded, you should be able to open it from the downloads section of your file explorer
File Explorer icon
File Explorer icon
th.jpg (8.1 KiB) Viewed 2088 times ... Bwcm9hY2g/

Trams on Gipton Approach on Leodis but not 309

Re: Open fronted Tram on upper deck.

Posted: Fri 07 May, 2021 2:57 pm
by volvojack
Well a big thanks to all of you who took the trouble to comment and look for and find this elusive Tram. My Wife found the original picture and finally found it and now it is shown in all it's glory in my original post. Looking at the letter from the Museum Manager i think it is the wording that is a little misleading.
Any road up, as i speak to you from the cupboard under the stairs many thanks once again.