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Posted: Wed 20 Jul, 2016 7:50 pm
by rikj
Barwicker wrote: and then there was Clapham Pit somewhere to the south of Garforth Golf Course, possibly under the M1 now.
Just to add to this, the site of Clapham pit is still extant, and with a few nice remains. One of those places I've been meaning to visit for ages, but never gone thinking it would be another fruitless search. So, nice to be rewarded with something to see :shock: Worth a visit for those with an interest.

Re: Coal Mines in Leeds

Posted: Wed 21 Mar, 2018 5:37 pm
by Loiner in Cyprus
It is 45 years ago today since the Lofthouse Colliery Disaster. How time flies. I was an underground fitter at Lofthouse at the time and I remember an older miner (I was 26 at the time) saying to me as we waited to go underground "Tha'll niver forget 1st day of Spring" and he is right, I never do.

Re: Coal Mines in Leeds

Posted: Wed 21 Nov, 2018 10:24 am
by Mike Hames
I was brought up on Inglewood Drive, Seacroft. One arm of the road ran past a small parade of shops and parallel to the York Road down towards Foundry Mill. Before the York Road was dualled, there was a small colliery shaft between Inglewood Drive and the then York Road, about half-way down the hill. There was another shaft on the opposite (Crossgates) side of the York Road slightly higher up the hill, and another shaft just off the road leading to Crossgates. I also well remember the Seacroft Colliery site, off the eastern side of the York Road, on a line with Seacroft Hall. It was covered in trees; the slag heaps were a good area to explore.

Re: Coal Mines in Leeds

Posted: Wed 21 Nov, 2018 1:48 pm
by warringtonrhino
Hi Mike
the Coal Authority website has an interactive map with lots of information.
once you have found the area you want to investigate, there is a key on the top right which allows you to switch on/off the various options. Note that if you zoom in too close, the on/off filter does not function, it took me a while to work that out.

Re: Coal Mines in Leeds

Posted: Wed 21 Nov, 2018 1:57 pm
by warringtonrhino
Did you see these in the YEP when Asda was involved with the site?