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Posted: Thu 12 Nov, 2009 7:57 pm
by Keg
Memories..... Si, i used to work on a farm, and we used to buy Shoddy" to use as cattle bedding when straw was too expensive.Wheel tappers & Shunters- wasn't that Colin Crampton, looked more like Andy Capp to me

Posted: Thu 12 Nov, 2009 7:58 pm
by Keg
Uno- just re-read your reply about stools.... and sprayed coffee all ove rmy monitor...superb!

Posted: Thu 12 Nov, 2009 8:08 pm
by Hannibal69
Keg wrote: Uno- just re-read your reply about stools.... and sprayed coffee all ove rmy monitor...superb! Hi Keg, It caught be that way too!!! lol Excuse me waiter, but there is a laptop in my coffee!!! lol.Han.

Posted: Thu 12 Nov, 2009 8:20 pm
by Trojan
Si wrote: I seem to remember factories which specialised in "shoddy." PS Thanks for posting the poem, Han. Shoddy was recycled wool, as was Mungo. It was big business in Morley, Batley, Dewsbury and Ossett. Rags were reground back to fibre, bleached, spun and rewoven into cloth - "shoddy" Duffle coat meterial - Morley made a fortune in the 1860 selling uniform material to both sides in the American civil war,.

Posted: Thu 12 Nov, 2009 8:29 pm
by tyke bhoy
Trojan wrote: Si wrote: I seem to remember factories which specialised in "shoddy." PS Thanks for posting the poem, Han. Shoddy was recycled wool, as was Mungo. It was big business in Morley, Batley, Dewsbury and Ossett. Rags were reground back to fibre, bleached, spun and rewoven into cloth - "shoddy" Duffle coat meterial - Morley made a fortune in the 1860 selling uniform material to both sides in the American civil war,. I wonder who made the fortune out of the blue and grey dyes?

Posted: Thu 12 Nov, 2009 8:49 pm
by cnosni
tyke bhoy wrote: Trojan wrote: Si wrote: I seem to remember factories which specialised in "shoddy." PS Thanks for posting the poem, Han. Shoddy was recycled wool, as was Mungo. It was big business in Morley, Batley, Dewsbury and Ossett. Rags were reground back to fibre, bleached, spun and rewoven into cloth - "shoddy" Duffle coat meterial - Morley made a fortune in the 1860 selling uniform material to both sides in the American civil war,. I wonder who made the fortune out of the blue and grey dyes? Old ladies that had too much spare in their pantRies

Posted: Thu 12 Nov, 2009 10:03 pm
Keg wrote: Wheel tappers & Shunters- wasn't that Colin Crampton, looked more like Andy Capp to me Indeed it was him Keg - I can see him now with half an inch of Woodbine stuck to his top lip as he made the immortal announcement _"THE COMMITTEE 'AVE DECIDED TO BUY A NEW COLOUR TELLY FOR THE BEST LOUNGE - WE ARE ' AVIN' A RED ONE THIS TIME !!"

Posted: Thu 12 Nov, 2009 10:39 pm
by Trojan
BLAKEY wrote: Keg wrote: Wheel tappers & Shunters- wasn't that Colin Crampton, looked more like Andy Capp to me Indeed it was him Keg - I can see him now with half an inch of Woodbine stuck to his top lip as he made the immortal announcement _"THE COMMITTEE 'AVE DECIDED TO BUY A NEW COLOUR TELLY FOR THE BEST LOUNGE - WE ARE ' AVIN' A RED ONE THIS TIME !!" Or "the pies 'ave cum, but don't eat 'em becos they've cum on their own"

Posted: Thu 12 Nov, 2009 11:16 pm
by Lilysmum
While doing my family tree and looking at the cencus returns a few jobs have cropped up that there won't be much call for now, straw bonnet maker,paper bag maker, organ builder and one I'm not sure about, clip sorter? any ideas?

Posted: Thu 12 Nov, 2009 11:36 pm
by stutterdog
Hannibal69 wrote: Uno Hoo wrote: Found it.Not only in the same mode, but by the same author, the immortal Marriott Edgar.Balbus."Now Balbus, though nobbut a tackler.........."All those interested need only google "Balbus, Marriott Edgar" Enjoy! Thanks Uno, I didn't know that one at all, but my google search also turned up this, another one that I'm sure that I remember nan reading to me back in the 70's.Cheers,Han.Marriott Edgar I'll tell of the Battle of Hastings,As happened in days long gone by,When Duke William became King of England,And 'Arold got shot in the eye.It were this way - one day in OctoberThe Duke, who were always a toff,Having no battles on at the moment,Had given his lads a day off.They'd all taken boats to go fishing,When some chap in t'Conqueror's earSaid 'Let's go and put breeze up the Saxons;'Said Bill - 'By gum, that's an idea.'Then turning around to his soldiers,He lifted his big Norman voice,Shouting - 'Hands up who's coming to England.'That was swank 'cos they hadn't no choice.They started away about tea-time -The sea was so calm and so still,And at quarter to ten the next morningThey arrived at a place called Bexhill.King 'Arold came up as they landed -His face full of venom and 'ate -He said 'If you've come for RegattaYou've got here just six weeks too late.'At this William rose, cool but 'aughty,And said - 'Give us none of your cheek;You'd best have your throne re-upholstered;I'll be wanting to use it next week.'When 'Arold heard this 'ere defiance,With rage he turned purple and blue,And shouted some rude words in Saxon,To which William answered - 'And you.''Twere a beautiful day for a battle;The Normans set off with a will,And when both sides was duly assembled,They tossed for the top of the hill. King 'Arold he won the advantage,On the hill-toop he took up his stand,With his knaves and his cads all around him,On his 'orse with his 'awk in his 'and.The Normans had nowt in their favour,They chance of a victory seemed small,For the slope of the field were against them,And the wind in their faces and all.The kick-off were sharp at two-thirty,And soon as the whistle had wentBoth sides started banging each otherTill the swineherds could hear them in Kent.The Saxons had best line of forwards,Well armed both with buckler and sword -But the Normans had best combination,And when half-time came neither had scored.So the Duke called his cohorts togetherAnd said - 'Let's pretend that we're beat,Once we get Saxons down on the levelWe'll cut off their means of retreat.'So they ran - and the Saxons ran after,Just exactly as William had planned,Leaving 'Arold alone on the hill-topOn his 'orse, with his 'awk in his 'and.When the Conqueror saw what had happened,A bow and an arrow he drew;He went right up to 'Arold and shot him.He were offside, but what could they do?The Normans turned round in a fury,And gave back both parry and thrust,Till the fight were all over bar shouting,And you couldn't see Saxons for dust.And after the battle were overThey found 'Arold so stately and grand,Sitting there with an eye-full of arrowOn his 'orse, with his 'awk in his 'and. Thanks for this Han.A wonderful bit of prose! I'll have to print this off.