Marsh family in Leeds

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Marsh family in Leeds

Post by stormin »

this is my first post so I hope I can follow your procedures correctly.

I have read some of the previous threads and everyone is so helpful.

I am researching the above family that lived in Leeds (Barker's Row, Burmantofts, Chapel Lane etc) between the 1850s and 1900s, as far as I know. I have researched the census and church registers etc. on Ancestry but would like to see if I can find their final resting places. I think they are most likely burried in the General graveyards eg. Becketts and/or Woodhouse. I live in Bristol and visit Yorkshire only rarely. There names are:

Christpher Marsh b. 1808 Skipton (also recorded as John Chritopher on some records)
Elizabeth Marsh
Henry John Marsh
Joseph Marsh (last recorded in the New Model Lodging House on Dyers Street in 1911).
William Marsh
John Marsh
Esther Greensmith (nee Marsh) married Thomas Greensmith in 1881 may have died 1884
Elizabeth Dunn (nee Marsh) married Walter Dunn in 1920 aged 62
Ruth Marsh b. 1860 d. 1861
Isaac Marsh
Edward Marsh

I appreciate that this is a long list but I am assuming that some would have been burried in the same grave? I dont expect anyone to spend a lot of time on this but any information will be much appreciated.

Norman Lamb

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Re: Marsh family in Leeds

Post by buffaloskinner »

Try using Yorkshire Indexers ( they have photographed and recorded many graves in the Leeds and surrounding cemeteries. You will have to register first.

Once you have registered then go to:

...advanced search
...tick gallery search (this gives you photos of the gravestones)
...enter keyword (I would suggest you just enter the surname) now

The young children will probably be in either unmarked or guinea graves

Good luck

Is this the end of the story ...or the beginning of a legend?

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Re: Marsh family in Leeds

Post by stormin »

Thanks buffaloskinner I'll try that.

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