Theft of Victorian handrails at the Whitelock's pub, Leeds.

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Theft of Victorian handrails at the Whitelock's pub, Leeds.

Post by Leodian »

The Yorkshire Evening Post website reports today (October 27 2023) that five large 150-year old Victorian handrails and a metal door plate were stolen on Wednesday (October 25) from the Turk’s Head Yard pub (Whitelock’s Ale House) “with CCTV footage catching a man rummaging in a suitcase outside the pub at around 6am”. It’s a very sad loss for what may only be worth very little as scrap.
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Re: Theft of Victorian handrails at the Whitelock's pub, Leeds.

Post by tilly »

The trouble is there is no deterrent if they get caught they get a slap on the hand .
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Re: Theft of Victorian handrails at the Whitelock's pub, Leeds.

Post by HeritageHouse »

Unless they have been stolen to order from an unscrupulous antiques collector or shipped off to a Victoriana 🎩 enthusiast in the States or somewhere?....🤔🧐

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Re: Theft of Victorian handrails at the Whitelock's pub, Leeds.

Post by chemimike »

Like the door handle/decoration on adle church door

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