Temple Newsam Park

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tyke bhoy
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Re: Temple Newsam Park

Post by tyke bhoy »

buffaloskinner wrote:
Mon 18 Mar, 2024 10:17 am
Yes LS1 there was a rectangular pond and I recall it had fish in it, would take my daughter there on occasions
buffaloskinner wrote:
Mon 18 Mar, 2024 4:47 pm
:arrow: This is where the pond was, now filled in and grassed over, seems it would have being square not rectangular as I first thought.
Are you possibly conflating this Pond with the one Leodian remembered and you pinpointed on the side by side map? That Pond is definitely rectangular although, being Pedantic, a square is a Regular (all sides equal) Rectangle. I think your square looks more like a bowling green and will almost certainly have been formal gardens, as on the south side, in the past.
buffaloskinner wrote:
Mon 18 Mar, 2024 11:26 pm
Leo the pond you were talking about is where todays car park is and was called Lawns Pond. The sports track was there in the earlys 50s as we used to go there with Osmondthorpe School

https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by ... =ESRIWorld
The car park that was Lawns Pond https://maps.app.goo.gl/UfR7qFHQqqnnKRG89
LS1 wrote:
Tue 19 Mar, 2024 8:56 am
I'm sure I remember it being circular, and just to the left of the rectangular area on buffaloskinner's picture above.

I was very young so could be incorrect.

See attached for where I thought it was!
If you drag the side by side map from buffaloskinner's post towards the top left exposing more of the southeast where the house is there is an oval, almost circular, feature above the M in Newsam. This would be to the north of bufalloskinner's "square" and not west as you indicated. It isn't very big but things always looked much bigger when we were kids. It isn't labelled but is the same format as Lawns Pond and Stork Pond. Could that have been the pond you recall?
living a stones throw from the Leeds MDC border at Lofthousehttp://tykebhoy.wordpress.com/

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Re: Temple Newsam Park

Post by buffaloskinner »

No it was definitely directly behind the house, a narrow footpath was between the house and pond
Is this the end of the story ...or the beginning of a legend?

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Re: Temple Newsam Park

Post by jim »

1905 and 1931 25" scale OS maps show Lawns Pond as described further back on this thread (north of the west end of Sycamore Walk). The only other water feature to be seen is Stork Pond, 100 yards due south of the south eastern corner of Temple Newsam house. Nearly square, slight elongation, about as wide as Lawn Pond, but very much shorter. No other water feature anywhere near the house.

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Re: Temple Newsam Park

Post by LS1 »

tyke bhoy wrote:
Tue 19 Mar, 2024 10:06 am
buffaloskinner wrote:
Mon 18 Mar, 2024 10:17 am
Yes LS1 there was a rectangular pond and I recall it had fish in it, would take my daughter there on occasions
buffaloskinner wrote:
Mon 18 Mar, 2024 4:47 pm
:arrow: This is where the pond was, now filled in and grassed over, seems it would have being square not rectangular as I first thought.
Are you possibly conflating this Pond with the one Leodian remembered and you pinpointed on the side by side map? That Pond is definitely rectangular although, being Pedantic, a square is a Regular (all sides equal) Rectangle. I think your square looks more like a bowling green and will almost certainly have been formal gardens, as on the south side, in the past.
buffaloskinner wrote:
Mon 18 Mar, 2024 11:26 pm
Leo the pond you were talking about is where todays car park is and was called Lawns Pond. The sports track was there in the earlys 50s as we used to go there with Osmondthorpe School

https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by ... =ESRIWorld
The car park that was Lawns Pond https://maps.app.goo.gl/UfR7qFHQqqnnKRG89
LS1 wrote:
Tue 19 Mar, 2024 8:56 am
I'm sure I remember it being circular, and just to the left of the rectangular area on buffaloskinner's picture above.

I was very young so could be incorrect.

See attached for where I thought it was!
If you drag the side by side map from buffaloskinner's post towards the top left exposing more of the southeast where the house is there is an oval, almost circular, feature above the M in Newsam. This would be to the north of bufalloskinner's "square" and not west as you indicated. It isn't very big but things always looked much bigger when we were kids. It isn't labelled but is the same format as Lawns Pond and Stork Pond. Could that have been the pond you recall?
I'm pretty sure that it was where I circled in red on the modern map I posted earlier.... The circle above the "M" was in the wrong place, and I do think it would fit where I'd circled. In fact, I'm sure some of the retaining wall is there when it was infilled.

I don't remember the Lawns Pond, that must have been filled in before my time.

Wonder if there are any aerial views from the 80s that might show it. Unless I am totally imagining it, it must have been quite short lived and installed well after the maps on https://maps.nls.uk/

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Re: Temple Newsam Park

Post by jim »

jim wrote:
Tue 19 Mar, 2024 1:52 pm
1905 and 1931 25" scale OS maps show Lawns Pond as described further back on this thread (north of the west end of Sycamore Walk). The only other water feature to be seen is Stork Pond, 100 yards due south of the south eastern corner of Temple Newsam house. Nearly square, slight elongation, about as wide as Lawn Pond, but very much shorter. No other water feature anywhere near the house.
Stork Pond continues to be seen in the A-Z Street Atlases until the early 1970s, but is not shown in the 1985 A! Street Atlas. These books and
their datings cannot be considered as reliably accurate as the OS maps though.

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Re: Temple Newsam Park

Post by Leodian »

buffaloskinner wrote:
Mon 18 Mar, 2024 11:26 pm
Leo the pond you were talking about is where todays car park is and was called Lawns Pond. The sports track was there in the earlys 50s as we used to go there with Osmondthorpe School

https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by ... =ESRIWorld
Thanks for that link buffaloskinner :). I notice that a Jacob's Well is marked a bit left of the House so I wonder if that is the feature I mentioned in my post on March 18 2024 12:07 pm about where I used to find frogs when I was a kid (it would have been no later than the mid or just after 1950s).

I see that you, like me, went to Osmondthorpe School. I was however only in the Infants and Junior Schools as after passing the 10+ exam in 1955 I (along with a few other lads) never went to the Senior School.
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Re: Temple Newsam Park

Post by warringtonrhino »

pond.gif (197.48 KiB) Viewed 1737 times

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Re: Temple Newsam Park

Post by mhoulden »

Link: https://www.facebook.com/templenewsamgo ... 80/?type=3. Just below the Lawns Pond car park at https://maps.app.goo.gl/pwEvqqNXKSDs4ku5A is a path that curves round a bit. It's part of the the pond that appears on this OS map:
Screenshot_20240321_022011_OS Maps.png
Screenshot_20240321_022011_OS Maps.png (1.7 MiB) Viewed 1699 times

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Re: Temple Newsam Park

Post by LS1 »

That's the one!!! Phew, thanks for saving my sanity. I was starting to think I had imagined it!

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tyke bhoy
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Re: Temple Newsam Park

Post by tyke bhoy »

Thanks WarringtonRhino. Photographic evidence that there was a Pond where LS1 remembers quickly followed up by mhoulden's map as further proof. The photo also confirms my belief that the "square" to the West of the house was a formal Garden. It is inconclusive, as it is obscured by the House, as to whether there was at the time the L shaped "water feature" that appears in mhoulden's map in the southwest corner of the square.
mhoulden wrote:
Thu 21 Mar, 2024 3:24 am
Link: https://www.facebook.com/templenewsamgo ... 80/?type=3. Just below the Lawns Pond car park at https://maps.app.goo.gl/pwEvqqNXKSDs4ku5A is a path that curves round a bit. It's part of the the pond that appears on this OS map: Screenshot_20240321_022011_OS Maps.png
On the map there is two sides of a triangle marked out in the path(?) dotted lines with a tree icon to its upper right and both just to the northwest (top left) of the house. That triangle is roughly where the oval shape on the side by side OS side by side map would be and what I was speculating may also have been a pond.

What is clear is that a least 4 water features that did exist in the vicinity have disappeared over time. It is unclear as to how long any of them were there for.
living a stones throw from the Leeds MDC border at Lofthousehttp://tykebhoy.wordpress.com/

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