Have you had a Paranormal experience?

Hauntings, spectres and other supernatural tales
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Post by Elderberry »

Johnny39 wrote:
Mon 05 Nov, 2012 12:13 am
Bruno wrote: Haunted Hollyshaw; Part 2.The old man I saw, and who was,  as I found out later, seen by others,  appeared to be a benign presence, apparently confined to the front room. The same could not be said about the more disturbing crying baby on the attic level of the house.Many evenings, always after dark, the loud and clear sound of a crying baby would come from the top floor of the house (the house had cellars, a  ground floor and two upper levels).  There was no baby in the house of course, nor was there one next door.  Having been a cat owner myself, I am aware that a calling female cat  is capable of producing a surprisingly human sound, but the circumstances suggested that this was no cat.On at least three occasions, the family and I gathered together in an attempt to access the attic floor whilst the baby was crying, and each time the result was exactly the same.  We would go up to the first floor landing and the noise would continue, however, the very instant the first person put their foot on the lowest step of the final flight  of stairs the crying would stop as suddenly as if the step was an electric switch which turned off the sound.  Going back along the landing would cause the crying to recommence, but any repeated attempt to mount the stairs would lead to the same abrupt ceasing of the sound when the first step was touched.The family actually had a pet cat which would happily go up to the first floor, but it would not on any account go up the stairs to the top floor -any attempt to carry the animal up there would cause it to become frantic, and it would scratch and struggle until the person carrying it was forced to release it.In the end, the crying came to be accepted and, as far as possible, ignored.  Sometimes it continued throughout the evening. Great stories Bruno and very well told. Just out of interest can you put a rough date as to when this occurred - 70's or 80's and was it one of the Victorian houses facing on to Hollyshaw Lane? As I've said before it was a road I avoided using in the dark for unknown reason but I nearly had a heart-attack after getting off the 2.00 a.m. bus and walking up the Ring Road one morning. I tended to walk at the side of the road only moving on to the pavement when I reached Baronsmead. I was in the process of doing this one morning when out of the shadows stepped two black figures. I nearly died of fright there and then. "Where are you going at this time of a morning?" one of them asked. It turned out they were a bobby and a special on Ripper watch and I got a right grilling before they let me go. It took me about a week to stop shaking.
Hi, Can I include this in an ebook I am doing about spiritual/paranormal experiences,

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Post by Elderberry »

somme1916 wrote:
Wed 07 Nov, 2012 12:01 am
Bruno wrote: Haunted Hollyshaw; part 3The third frequent haunting of which I was aware was the playing children.On quiet still nights, the clear but distant sound of children playing could sometimes be heard coming from the back of the house.  It was like the noise from a primary school playground heard from two or three streets away. Walking towards the sound would cause it gradually to fade, until it could no longer be heard.  Everyone in the house could hear this at the same time.Now, turn the clock forward 30 years, and I am sitting down to read a teenage memoir written by a local author, Mick McCann * .  Mr McCann was a contemporary of mine, he was known in the area for his flamboyant dress sense.  I knew him by sight, but we weren't friends.Most of Mick McCann's book concerns music, girls and his obsession with David Bowie, however, I was surprised to come across the following passage on page 53:"She [our gran] never stayed at our house,  she stopped,  never would again,  not since one night when she was babysitting,  simultaneously looking at the young kids sleeping in bed and listening to them playing downstairs.  The older kids were sleeping in the attic, she'd just checked, and they'd need to pass her to get downstairs.  The poltergeists were at play, running up and down the hallway, laughing, the sound of children playing.  It was simply accepted that the house was haunted, a fact of life,  you just lived with it, not grandma, she never stayed again."Guess where the young Mick McCann lived?  Opposite the bus stop on Hollyshaw Lane, about 150 yards from 'my' house, during the same period.So that's my ghost story.  I'm not a ghost hunter, and I'm not obsessed by what I saw and heard.  In fact, I've never told these stories before because I thought nobody would believe me, but I have actually enjoyed putting them down in writing, it's been almost a relief to tell them, and it doesn't matter to me whether they are believed or not; I've got nothing to lose or gain.  All I know is that I saw and heard what I've described, and I wasn't drunk or on drugs at the time (not that I am now, either!)* " Coming Out As A Bowie Fan In Leeds, Yorkshire, England."by Mick McCann published by Armley Press 2006ISBN 0-9554699-0-2 Very cathartic Bruno and well related.....I'm sure many others like myself have been fascinated by these recollections and are equally enthralled by your openness and candour.Thank you my friend.
Hi, Can I include this in an ebook I am doing? Just to double check was it your gran? and the house you lived in?

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Re: Have you had a Paranormal experience?

Post by Hank »

1971 in Roundhay park, Leeds, around 2100hrs on a Saturday night. There was a travelling unfair and one of the snowmen asked me and four other friends if we would help tear down his tent and pack him up. We did the job and set off for a mooch by the lake. The unfair was on a spot bottom of the path from the Mansion and path from Princess ave, bottom of Hill 60. As we were walking past the old Lakeside cafe up the path where the slope starts we saw a figure coming towards us, teenager in Dennis as 60's Mod dress, shortish hair, it was just drifting, could not see any feet, it went cold as we walked past the side of the old cafe, I felt it rub past me, then it passed through one of the guys who held back to take a pee, then it vanished. Rob came running up to say it passed through him, has anyone else heard of anyone else seeing this, or seen it themselves. It was not frightening in the least and no one was spooked out. Figure was male, late teens, Levi or Wrangler denim jacket and jeans, shortish hair, similar to late 60's Mod fashion we followed. I am not a devil dodger, or religious nut, I worked in mech eng construction all my career so have a practical, scientific mind and a questioning attitude, plus four other witnesses who backed up the event, in fact one guy Don recalled the event when we were engineering apprentices together a couple of years later.

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Re: Have you had a Paranormal experience?

Post by blackprince »

Hank wrote:
Tue 18 Jan, 2022 8:35 am
------ There was a travelling unfair and one of the snowmen asked me and four other friends if we would help tear down his tent and pack him up. ----------
First i assume this sentence was a result of predictive texting and not Prof Stanley Unwin's ghost taking over your keyboard. :D It did make me laugh.
Seriously, I haven't had a paranormal experience myself or witnessed an apparition. Like you I have a scientific & engineering background. I am not doubting what you and your friends witnessed. There may not be a ready rational explanation for what you saw but jumping to a conclusion that it was supernatural is a step too far. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof IMHO.
You say the subject was dressed like yourselves.
If you can remember after all this time what were the lighting & weather conditions. Is there any possibility that it could be some sort of reflected image from water, glass, spectacle lenses?
Nowadays nothing out of the ordinary goes without being captured on a phone camera, I would expect there to be a great deal of photographic evidence for such apparitions in the last 10 years, if they existed, but I am not aware of an uptick in recorded sightings.
It used to be said that the statue of the Black Prince had been placed in City Square , near the station, pointing South to tell all the southerners who've just got off the train to b****r off back down south!

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Re: Have you had a Paranormal experience?

Post by Mayvillelass »

Hi I have grown up with the knowledge that my gran was a spiritual healer. She had many stories to tell about this and I was told she had a spiritual guide called Piko.
Whilst staying with her I witnessed a strange happening. We were having a cuppa with a neighbour when my gran started to talk in a deep mans voice in a foreign language. Then a womans voice spoke to the neighbour very angry about her managing her mothers funeral. I later found out it was her dead sisters voice. After my gran was drained and went fir a lay down. She was unaware of what had been said. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

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Re: Have you had a Paranormal experience?

Post by jma »

My gran's are all long gone but I don't remember any of them being "drained." Is that a typo or does it have some special meaning in the world of things that go bump in the night?

I had an auntie, actually a great aunt, who was a Spiritualist and who believed she was a medium (but might have been XL)

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Re: Have you had a Paranormal experience?

Post by Mayvillelass »

Hi jma. So sorry I used the word drained to mean totally exhausted, drained of energy, very tired, worn out. I am in my 60s and hadn't realised this expression was no longer understood.

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Re: Have you had a Paranormal experience?

Post by jma »

No need for apologies. I understand drained in the sense worn out, but I didn't see how it fitted in there. I suppose once you believe that somebody is communicating with the dead, then I can see that might be considered exhausting. If it's not clear, I don't believe it's possible to communicate with the dead

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Re: Have you had a Paranormal experience?

Post by Mayvillelass »

Hi I too did not believe in communicating with the dead either and had I not witnessed it I would not have believed it.

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Re: Have you had a Paranormal experience?

Post by PolakLS17 »

blackprince wrote:
Thu 20 Jan, 2022 11:37 pm
Hank wrote:
Tue 18 Jan, 2022 8:35 am
------ There was a travelling unfair and one of the snowmen asked me and four other friends if we would help tear down his tent and pack him up. ----------
First i assume this sentence was a result of predictive texting and not Prof Stanley Unwin's ghost taking over your keyboard. :D It did make me laugh.
Seriously, I haven't had a paranormal experience myself or witnessed an apparition. Like you I have a scientific & engineering background. I am not doubting what you and your friends witnessed. There may not be a ready rational explanation for what you saw but jumping to a conclusion that it was supernatural is a step too far. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof IMHO.
You say the subject was dressed like yourselves.
If you can remember after all this time what were the lighting & weather conditions. Is there any possibility that it could be some sort of reflected image from water, glass, spectacle lenses?
Nowadays nothing out of the ordinary goes without being captured on a phone camera, I would expect there to be a great deal of photographic evidence for such apparitions in the last 10 years, if they existed, but I am not aware of an uptick in recorded sightings.

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