Goblin / Sleep Paralysis (Hyde Park)

Hauntings, spectres and other supernatural tales
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Post by Kitty84 »

Here goes...I used to work for a small company in Holbeck. One afternoon it was just me and the finance lady in the office, and to pass the time while doing a fairly menial task we began swapping ghost stories. She told me one that still gives me sleepless nights!When she was about 18 or 19 (I would guess some time in the seventies) she lived in a bedsit in what is now a student house in the Hyde Park / Headingly area. It had once been a family home and her boyfriend of the time had a room in the attic. Her bedroom was on the first floor.One night she woke up to see a strange mist hanging near the window. She tried to move but found herself paralysed, so she followed the shape with her eyes and was horrified when it ‘congealed’ (in her words) into a horrible goblin that proceeded to climb up onto the bed and onto her chest. She was so frightened by the experience that she immediately started looking for somewhere else to live, despite her boyfriend insisting that she had just had a very vivid nightmare.So far, so sleep paralysis...However, a couple of weeks later, she was staying with friends and her boyfriend’s sister came to stay. He came down and slept in the first floor bedroom while his sister took his bed, and he had exactly the same experience, which really shook him up.A few years passed. Finance lady broke up with her boyfriend and moved away from the area. Then one day she ran into a friend of her ex-boyfriend at the supermarket. They got talking, and he asked her if it was true that she used to live at this particular house in Hyde Park. She said yes, and he explained that he had lived there with his family before it had been converted into bedsits, but they had to move because his sister had become frightened of something in her bedroom. The family thought they were nightmares at first but when she began to suffer from fits they decided to play safe and move somewhere else, after which the nightmares and the fits abruptly stopped.Spooky stuff, eh? I’ve suffered from sleep paralysis a couple of times myself, so know how terrifying it can be, even when you tell yourself there is a completely rational and scientific explanation. This story just doesn’t seem to fit the mould, and I can’t help wondering if the same property is now turning out successive generations of traumatised students?Has anyone else heard a similar story?Kitty :-)

Crazy Jane
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Post by Crazy Jane »

Strangely enough i never heard that one, unless we're talking about part of Woodsley Road, which i;ve heard stories about.i was up that way in the 80s, Ash Grove, Richmond Road, Headingley Avenue, but that story is one i haven;t come across. Good story though, you can kind of see it coming but that makes it worse (ie better) in a way, it really creeped me out.
Evil and ambition scatter in the the darkness, leaving behind dubious rumors to fly in public. To the next world, I commit thee.

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Post by wsmith »

I'm not actually superstitious at all, really... but the closest thing I have ever had to a 'ghostly' encounter happened to me on the junction of Moorland Road & Woodsley Road. Perhaps there is something about the area?

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Post by dogduke »

wsmith wrote: I'm not actually superstitious at all, really... but the closest thing I have ever had to a 'ghostly' encounter happened to me on the junction of Moorland Road & Woodsley Road. Perhaps there is something about the area? Tell us more of this 'ghostly'encounter!!!!!!!
Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.90% of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at.

Crazy Jane
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Post by Crazy Jane »

My ex-lodger claimed that there was a whole row of houses on Woodsley Road that are haunted, said she'd lived in one of them and there were several spook sightings, usually a small child.Also told me a story that creeps me out to this day. When she moved in there with some friends they were surprised that the door in the kitchen that leads down to the cellar had a bolt on it. After a while they started to figure something a bit odd was going on, because the door would often be ajar, and then it'd get closed, and later it'd be ajar again, but at first they prob. just figured one of the others had been down and forgot.Then one night she went into the kitchen to make a cuppa, and her friends were in the front room. She sees the cellar door ajar so she closes it and bolts it. Then she stook her head round into the front room to ask if anyone else wanted a brew, and when she looked back the cellar door was unbolted and wide open again I'll run that with that caveat that they were apparently doing a quite astonishing amount of acid back then.
Evil and ambition scatter in the the darkness, leaving behind dubious rumors to fly in public. To the next world, I commit thee.

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Post by LS13 »

Back in the late 60's /early 70's , my late dad needed some help on his window cleaning round. He employed a bloke with a young family who needed some work. After a while, my dad was regularly left waiting at the pre arranged pick up point at 7am, his apprentice not having turned up.The bloke would turn up late with tales of his young family being flung out of bed in the dead of night by a poltergeist. He told of kids levitating to the ceiling, doors banging, water pouring from the walls, lights flashing etc etc. My old man, being a down to earth Yorkshire bloke did what most of us would do, assumed his apprentice was bullsh1tting ...and sacked him!Guess where he lived....yep, woodsley road!

Paul B
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Post by Paul B »

about 10 years ago i lived at the ex mother-inlaws for a bit & that house had strange goings on, lights turning on and off, toilet flushing itself, tv's and radios turning themselves on & off, a light bulb hit me (i put it down to a loose connection in the light socket but that was fine). now we step things up a bit the ex mother-inlaw had bed covers pulled off in the middle of the night & was also hit a couple of times on the chest (you could see a red mark on her skin from this) she also said that she had seen a misty light a few times.also me and the ex-wife tracey(god rest her soul) slept in the living room her on the sofa me on the floor and one night she said she saw a dark shadowy form move accross the living room to where i was asleep on the floor so she tried to move but could not so she called me a few times in Histerics which woke me up i then tried to move to see what whas wrong with her but was firmly stuck to the floor for what seemed like ages then all of a sudden i could move and made a dash for the light switch (it stayed on for the rest of the night lol) we never went back to sleep that night i can tell you.anyway not long after that we got our own place again & not long after we moved out so did the ex mother-inlaw.whats the connection with the other posts i here you say well it was woodsley green just off woodsley road, normally paranormal stuff does not bother me and i dont scare that easy but that stuff scared the [edited for content] out of me.(ps took some pics in that house with an instant polaroid camera and some of the pics had orbs on i think or it was just a fault on the film never could decide on that one and cant find the pics so i guess they must of been left at the other house.)Paul B    

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Post by Kitty84 »

Woodsley Road is just off the park, isn't it - the road leads into the grounds of the uni if you follow it right to the end? From her description of the location it sounds very much like it could be the same place you have all been talking about, just wish I could remember! How strange for so many different sorts of phenomena to occur in the same place. I'll see if I can dig something up about the location's history...Speaking of haunted toilets (!) I remember my Mum mentioning something that happened to her in Wakefield in the late seventies. My Dad's older brother had died a couple of months before, and my Dad was working away. It was a warm summer's evening, about nine o clock so still bright outside, and she was watching something like the Forsythe saga on telly. During the advert break she ran upstairs to use the loo, and as she opened the door the toilet flushed; what freaked her out the most was that she actuallly saw the handle being pushed down.She went to bed, and woke up in the early hours to feel someone in the bed behind her, in the same way my Dad would curl in for a cuddle during the night. She was about to reciprocate when she suddenly remembered that my Dad was away, and she was alone - as soon as she remembered this the sensation went away. She's always been convinced that it was my Dad's brother, who quite fancied my Mum but managed to control himself in life, sneaking back from the 'other side' to cop a feel! But I digress :-) Off to see what, if anything, I can find out about Woodlsey Road.Kitty

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Post by lankylocal »

hihaving read the previous messages,they have reminded me of strange goings on in my friends rented flat in the late 1980's. she had the basement flat in a large corner property on moorland road/moorland avenue. the atmosphere in the place was really oppressive/cold and felt very uninviting,despite us decorating etc. my friend had a young boy who refused to sleep there, it was a really freaky place. she only stayed there a matter of a few weeks and the following tenents stayed about the same length of time too. I remember whenever you left the building it felt like a huge weight had literally been lifted off you. having asked around at the time,we were told of the previous tenents whom supposedly were conected with the university. the couple had apperently butchered their young daughter and dumped her remains in the sewrage grate in the yard at the back of the property!i think i had perposely forgotten the memory of my mates place as it really was so unpleasant there.i wonder if anyone else knows of this story or building?

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Steve Jones
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Post by Steve Jones »

Back in the 1980's,there were some well known Chaos magicians living in Hyde Park who used to get up to all sorts of occult things!I don't know whether any of the above stuff might be down to them,but the original goblin post sounds likely.
Steve JonesI don't know everything, I just like to give that impression!

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