Haunted House in Moortown...

Hauntings, spectres and other supernatural tales
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Post by DavidYork »

Does anyone know anything about a supposed haunted house in Moortown? In the late 80's, early 90's I grew up there and there was a housing estate just off Nursery Lane, on the same side of the road as The Allerton Pub. It was a bit further down than the pub, but before you reach the Birkdales... There was a house there that was all boarded up and appeared as nobody lived in it. The windows were boarded up, the house was in a lovely area yet it was in a state of disrepair and the garden was overgrown. As kids will we used to sneak into the garden to investigate and on more than one occassion we heard music coming from the house... Old, classical music. We went during the day, and weren't particularly scared so it wasn't our imagination getting us spooked. I definitely heard it... We'd always only get to be there for a few minutes before the neighbours would invariably come out and chase us away. When we ever asked them if the house was haunted or if anyone lived there they just told us it was provate property and to go away... I lived in that are from the age of 5 until I was almost 30 years old and it has never ceased to intrigue me. The only thing I can think of is that it was indeed haunted, or that it was some old, spooky recluse who lived there and never came out. Either way I'd love to know more about that mysterious house... Can anyone shed any light or does anyone know of it?

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Post by LS1 »

This was the one in the Turnberrys. Has been built on for years now and was obviously knocked down!I always heard that the guy who owned Harringtons (sp) in the Lingfields lived there and he was a peodophile that was driven out of the house.Romours though? Not sure.

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Post by kierentc »

i've never heard of it, and i grew up near there too. was it an old house or one like the others on the esate?ls1, what's there now?

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Post by simonm »

kierentc wrote: what's there now? A hole? sorry..
I WANT TO BE IN THE "INCROWD" :)"Those who sacrifice Liberty for security deserve neither!!"

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Post by LS1 »

Lol! /-)It's houses now, see the google map attached. but the original house was set fairly far back and you couldnt really see it from the road.They built the little road that you can see going to Turnberry Avenue over a nice patch of square grass.
__TFMF_0k1awfvccgrkd3msa3aedejs_746d1a9b-06c8-4c1e-8072-502708a2d6b8_0_main.jpg (159.43 KiB) Viewed 4665 times

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Post by LS1 »

It was an old house also. Red Brick. There was another one too right in the woods right behind the Brodetsky Primary School is and between the golf course. I remember going there as a kid, it was whit and all the roof was off. Drugies used it and eventually it was knocked down. Anyone else remember this one?

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Post by kierentc »

ta for that ls1. <ignores simons helpful answer> i didn't realise all the turnberry houses weren't built pretty much at the same time. i only moved to alwoodley when i was at high school (around 1984)i used to know the golf course estates pretty well. they and the old bits of golf course were a source of exploration when on the occaisional extended <ahem> break from schoolanyone remember the old playground on the bit of land near the sunningdales? back then it seemed miles from anywhere, but you can still see where it used to be and it isn't that long a walk from allerton high. bit isolated for kids to be playing though    

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Post by DavidYork »

Thanks for all the replies... Yup.. It's that house in the picture, or at least that's where it was. I haven't been back in years so I didn't know it had been knocked down.LS1, the guy who owned Harrigans originally was Mr Harrigan who was a lovely old dude... When he sold the shop he let us all us kids from the estate go in get loads of free sweets. The guy who owned it later was Jim. He wasn't a pedophile though... To my shame I was probably one of the kids that helped run him out of the Lingfields, I was only young but we used to pelt his shop windows with sweets and call him names until he chased us, we pretty terrorized the poor old guy because was weird looking (all anachronistic and Dickensian looking). I can see why people would say he was a pedophile, but I don't think he was... He was just a funny looking old geezer who got loads of stick from the local kids. Quite bad really because I don't think he ever hurt anyone. I know he didn't live in that house either because he used to live above his shop!

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Post by DavidYork »

Oh, and LS1, I also remember the one behind Brodesky too... That was more like an old ruin wasn't it? I remember we used to tell each other a story that someone's older brother once went there and found a cat nailed to a plank of wood, and it was devil worshippers that had done it!!! Probably a load of [edited for content] that though!! Talking of devil worshippers, remember Devil's Rock in Adel Woods?

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Post by LS1 »

Thats the one, Jim. Looked very archaic. I guess it was just rumour that he was up to no good, and because fo the way kids talk was convenient that the spooky looking man lived in the spooky looking house! We were a cruel lot when we were younger!Remember Devils Rock,could find all sorts of wierd stuff there on a weekend morning, candle remains feathers and coloured paints. I never dared go there at night although a few of the people I knew did. That other house in the wood was strange, I was only young when I went there but it seemed to be right off the beaten track with no reall access route to it.

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