Haunted Apartments

Hauntings, spectres and other supernatural tales
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Post by Rodley_Girl »

Does anyone have any knowledge or old photographs of the Union Crane Works in Rodley that was situated along-side the Leeds Liverpool Canal. I currently live in the apartments that are now on the site where this building was previously. My housemate has been woken in the night to hear a young girl crying in our hall way and our dog often barks/growls at nothing (well nothing that I can see anyway!!!).Would be good to hear from anyone who has any stories/facts.Thanks,Rodley_Girl
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Leeds Lass
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Post by Leeds Lass »

Hi Rodley Girl. I haven't any facts as such, I just know that the crane works were there for a lot of years and so there will be a residual energy attached to the site. I've asked 2 mates of mine to listen out for stuff, as they live near you in those apartments somewhere. We'll see if they hear or come up with anything!!!

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Post by FLITZ »

The crane works does indeed have a few spooky stories to tell, the area around your appartments has been haunted for some time by a spirit of a young girl, supposibly the poor girl was a child labourer according to one story who was killed in an accident at the works.The other story has the girl as the daughter of a very cruel worker at the site, the poor child would be heard crying in fear for when her father came home, as the cruel man beat her, eventually she took one beating to many and he killed her.To hide his crime she was burried on or close to the site or dumped in the cannal so the stories go.

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Post by Rodley_Girl »

Hi FLITZ... apologies I have only just read your message now. Reading your response has really sent shivers down my spine...Where did you hear of this tale?
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Post by LS13 »

I've known of the ghost child of Rodley for a number of years. A friend of mine used to cycle to work along the towpath in the early 80's. One November morning he was cycling to work just after dawn--it was just getting light. He saw a little girl of about 8 years old walking in front of him which he thought was strange. As he approached he saw she was wearing a long cloak type coat. He rang his bell to let her know he was there but she didnt respond. He cycled past and having got about 2 yards past her, he turned round...and she'd vanished! I know a lot of people have heard the crying child right along the tow path from the Railway pub all the way down towards Fallwoods Marina. A sad tale--it sounds like the poor childs spirit is in limbo destined to patrol the banks of the canal for eternity...

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Post by Rodley_Girl »

If anyone could give me any advice on how to research who this girl was then it would be appreciated. I want to know more...I'm already in amazement that both FLITZ and LS13's stories both match what my friend heard. If anyone has any further information or photographs of the crane works as it was then I'd be interested to see/hear...Thanks

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Post by LS13 »

well,given that you don't have a name or approximate year of death it would be difficult to research using archives or birth and death registrations. Your best bet may be a seance--try and contact the spectral youngster and ask her her name?

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Post by Rodley_Girl »

My housemate suggested that but I answered her question with a quick "No"!Some things are best left undisturbed...If I have anything more to report on I'll be the first to post it here.Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread.Over and out!

Scandy Bramley
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Post by Scandy Bramley »

WHY "over and out" Rodley Girl? A medium could possibly let that little girl finally get her rest?You too perhaps?
You can take the lad out of Leeds - but you can't take the Leeds out of the lad.

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Post by Rodley_Girl »

To be honest Scandy I wouldn't know where to start and I believe it best not to mix with things like that. She doesn't cause any harm to us (if she is here). My housemate has heard her as mentioned previously but I haven't. Should I hear anything though... or see anything also I'll let you all know.Thanks

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