garforth station?

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garforth station?

Post by w41tzer »

not the one near the supermarkets in use now but on top of the bridge that crosses the road from garforth to barwick is a large building, its next to the tracks and not needed as a crossing house due to bridge, was it a former station?

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Re: garforth station?

Post by chemimike »

There used to be a gas works on the site, and the building seems to be associated with that as shown on this c1890 map
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Re: garforth station?

Post by unslet »

I used to work for the gas company out of this location. The yard is still owned by the gas undertaking.
The property fronting onto Barwick Road was also owned by the gas company,the District Inspector lived there.
I believe the properties by the railway were railway owned and occupied by employees but there was never a station there.
It's only a 10 minute walk to Garforth station.

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