Stanningley Train Station

Railways, trams, buses, etc.
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Post by BLAKEY »

sundowner wrote: Hi BLAKEY just been in the shed my wife said im sad here is what it says MIDLAND RAILWAY That if any person shall be or travel or pass upon foot upon the MIDLAND RAILWAY without the licence and concent of the MIDLAND RAILWAY company every person so offending shall forfeitand pay any sum not exceeding ten pounds for every such offence notice is therefore hereby given that all persons found trespassing upon the railway or works there of will be prosecuted . June 1899    ALEXIS L CHARLES SECRETARY        
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Post by Trojan »

drapesy wrote: Barwicker wrote: I bite my tongue over many things appearing on this forum but "Train Station"??? That is an americanism. Railway Station is English. I'm not sure 'Train Station' is an Americanism - surely they would more usually call it 'Railroad Station'.     I always cringe at "Train station" it was always "Railway Station" but, if "Bus station" is correct then logically so must "train station" be.
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Post by Trojan »

sundowner wrote: BLAKEY wrote: sundowner wrote: When i was a kid my nearest station was the Hunslet Station i used to climb on a wall to watch the L M S and L N E R trains go by.I did a job on the site of this station about twenty five years ago i found an old cast iron sign under the ballast.Its dated june 1899 its quite large about two foot six long by two foot,its a half inch thick made for the Midland Railway company i have still got it i think its nostalga reminds me of my childhood.     What does the sign say Sundowner ?? -"DO NOT NICK THE RAILWAY PROPERTY - PENALTY FORTY SHILLINGS" Hi BLAKEY just been in the shed my wife said im sad here is what it says MIDLAND RAILWAY That if any person shall be or travel or pass upon foot upon the MIDLAND RAILWAY without the licence and concent of the MIDLAND RAILWAY company every person so offending shall forfeitand pay any sum not exceeding ten pounds for every such offence notice is therefore hereby given that all persons found trespassing upon the railway or works there of will be prosecuted . June 1899    ALEXIS L CHARLES SECRETARY         Yes the relics of the old railway companies are still there. There are notices at Morley Low from the London and North Western.On Fountain Street, in Morley if you look closely at the NTS(which is where Morley Top Goods depot was) depot you can still see the LNER logo.I think the line through Stanningley was originally a shared one between GNR and L&YR, the line led to Leeds Central which was a shared station between the two companies. One of the roundhouses at the end of the Inner Ring Road was L&YR. I'm a big fan of L&YR.
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Post by spongebob »

Hi all. Here's a link to the site showing overlays of old and new maps/google earth. line for the Pudsey loop appears to follow what is now Intercity Way (clue in the naming perhaps?) and if you're on the bypass there is what may be a concrete reinforcement for a bridge support in about the same place. There was an approach in either direction (ie a triangular junction) so trains could in theory run out of Bradford/Leeds via Stanningley and back into Leeds/Bradford via the Pudsey loop or vice versa.In fact if you overlay the google earth map onto the old O/S map you can see the line of the curve back towards Bradford as clear as day compared to the Leeds one.

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Post by BLAKEY »

BLAKEY wrote: Cardiarms wrote: Thanks for looking, that's the one. I'm sure there's a blocked up door in the middle of the wall facing town street and a lintel above it with some verbage written on it. Occasionally there's bits of metal stacked in the area between the building and the road, maybe in the way. It's about 4 or 5 ft of the present ground level. Right Ho - that's good and we've got the right building - and I think I did notice that blocked up door. Next time I'll go boldly in and have a closer look as I'm sure no-one would mind if I explained.Watch this space      Hi again Cardiarms - I happened to pass again today and stopped to look carefully. I take it you mean a rather wider doorway in the centre of the frontage (neatly filled in with stone) - there is then a couple of feet of wall above the straight lintel and above that a semi-circular window ?? There really doeasn't seem to be any trace of anything on the building at all - but next time I see anyone working there I'll nip in the gap in the fencing up Slater's Road and "state our case" - I'm sure they won't mind me looking more closely at the lintel. Bear with us
There's nothing like keeping the past alive - it makes us relieved to reflect that any bad times have gone, and happy to relive all the joyful and fascinating experiences of our own and other folks' earlier days.

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Post by Cardiarms »

Thanks, must be my eyes playing tricks. When we get some daylight back I'll have a mooch.

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Post by ellesbelles »

Hi GuysThanks for all the information that you have given us. Having a young child its always good to be able to give them a bit of background about where they live and as they are doing a transport topic at school i think this will be really handy. I will of course make sure I call it a railway station and not a train station in future! Sorry about that!

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Post by ellesbelles »

Hi GuysThanks for all the information that you have given us. Having a young child its always good to be able to give them a bit of background about where they live and as they are doing a transport topic at school i think this will be really handy. I will of course make sure I call it a railway station and not a train station in future! Sorry about that!

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Post by BIG N »

Its a few years since I ventured into the builders yard mentioned in an earlier post but the last time I was in there there was some track still in situ from its days as the goods yard - not sure if this is still the case today though.

Chris W
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Post by Chris W »

I was doing a bit of digging last week about the old Stanningley station, and came across this site with a nice pic labeled as former Stanningley railway station property. think I might have found it on Google Earth also (see pic) Is this the old station?
__TFMF_z3mujc45jysn4q45acirrpvy_0de517ab-ef60-4f1f-8026-43bbe38310c6_0_main.jpg (167.9 KiB) Viewed 2636 times
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