Bomb explosion at Pound Stretchers?

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Post by Whyme »

Brandy wrote: It was the INLA ive managed to track a little bit of info down here bomb @ poundstretchers? Nice detective work,Amazing how we all remember bits and in the end we get the full picture of events.    

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Post by chameleon »

I remember this.We always took the children on the 'Santa Visit' and did some Christmas shopping on the first Monday in December each year.Poundstretcher, being next to the market always seemed to be on the agenda, usually could find some little bits of interest worth having.In this year, we trundled down Vicar Lane amidst the mass of fire engines to discover the problem. It was really no surprise thiking back, but amazing nobody came to grief - the place was always crammed full of stock - and packaging, often blocking walkways which were hardly wide enough when clear - your classic 'waitintg to happen' situation.Once reopened, how differtent things were - now a 5 minute hke to move from display to another! Still wonder if the fire may have been prevented. . . .Certainly no recollection of terrorist involvement - I doubt such free access to the are would have been allowed if there had been.Now, the bomb in the rail signalling gear to the west of the Station I certainly remember - fastest evacuation on record for my building!

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Post by Leodian »

I remember the incendiary devices but I feel sure no bombs ever went off in Leeds during the period in question. I do though recall at or sometime around that period being in the centre of Leeds when there was a bomb alert (it turned out to be false) to which I moved away from the area as directed, but to my amazement there were people going to the area because they had heard there was a bomb alert and wanted to see what was going on!
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Post by raveydavey »

There is a good pic of a number 16 bus at the stop outside Stop & Shop, with the destination board incorrectly showing "Bramley". It's been posted on here before but I can't find it now.There was an IRA bomb at Leeds station in the late 90's - blew up an electrical cabinet on the Western side of the station if I remember correctly. No-one was injured but there was a lot of inconvenience caused to a lot of people. My train to Halifax had passed some minutes earlier and all services were suspended for the remainder of the day, as were all bus services on Whitehall Road meaning I had to get the 508 back from Halifax. First I knew about it was when I got a call on my then new fangled mobile phone after arriving at work asking if I was alright "as the station has been blown up".Mrs ravey was evacuated from her offices on York Place, so she went up to see her mum who worked in Merrion House at the time - only to arrive there and be told they were all being sent home as well.When I got back into Leeds that evening it was like a ghost town - much like it used to be on a late Sunday afternoon before the shops started opening, but even quieter.
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Post by chameleon »

raveydavey wrote: There is a good pic of a number 16 bus at the stop outside Stop & Shop, with the destination board incorrectly showing "Bramley". It's been posted on here before but I can't find it now.There was an IRA bomb at Leeds station in the late 90's - blew up an electrical cabinet on the Western side of the station if I remember correctly. No-one was injured but there was a lot of inconvenience caused to a lot of people. My train to Halifax had passed some minutes earlier and all services were suspended for the remainder of the day, as were all bus services on Whitehall Road meaning I had to get the 508 back from Halifax. First I knew about it was when I got a call on my then new fangled mobile phone after arriving at work asking if I was alright "as the station has been blown up".Mrs ravey was evacuated from her offices on York Place, so she went up to see her mum who worked in Merrion House at the time - only to arrive there and be told they were all being sent home as well.When I got back into Leeds that evening it was like a ghost town - much like it used to be on a late Sunday afternoon before the shops started opening, but even quieter. That'd the one Davey - had a clear view of the cabinets (or at least the space they occupied!) from our upper floors. The entire (and sizable)area was evacuated north of the scene.

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Post by davesmiff »

It was not the IRA or INLA It was in fact an outfit That had animal rights in mind. Over human life They didn't put a bomb in there it was an incendery device, along with about 12 others in various shops that day. they were all due to go off at night but the one at the side of the market went of early.Signed ex fire fighter

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Re: Bomb explosion at Pound Stretchers?

Post by Macstiv »

It was indeed the Stop 'n' Shop and was part of a series of cowardly attacks in Leeds at the time. I remember there was also a cigarette packet device that was dealt with. It had been left in a pocket, in the clothing section of M&S.

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