Currently exposed start of a long time blocked-off water channel that ran from the River Aire under Leeds Rail Station.

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Re: Currently exposed start of a long time blocked-off water channel that ran from the River Aire under Leeds Rail Stati

Post by buffaloskinner »

Here is a pic of the Monk Pit Tunnel Lock Gates as seen in 1972, they are still in situ but are not available for the public to access. The pics are dark unfortunately but are now no longer a mystery. They are taken looking across the river before been blocked off. :idea:
Monk Pit Lock.jpg
Monk Pit Lock.jpg (949.44 KiB) Viewed 2353 times
Monk Pit Lock Gate.jpg
Monk Pit Lock Gate.jpg (971.32 KiB) Viewed 2353 times
Monk Pit Branch (disused) (14).jpg
Monk Pit Branch (disused) (14).jpg (96.97 KiB) Viewed 2353 times
Is this the end of the story ...or the beginning of a legend?

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Re: Currently exposed start of a long time blocked-off water channel that ran from the River Aire under Leeds Rail Stati

Post by Leodian »

Thanks buffaloskinner for those fascinating photos.
It would be very historically and structurally interesting to be able to get inside to see what is still there, which could be all of it. What still remains under the train station is likely to astonish many, from such as the subway under platforms and the entry/exit to the toilets off it that I still recall using! I assume though that the toilets have been removed but the subway may still be there.
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Re: Currently exposed start of a long time blocked-off water channel that ran from the River Aire under Leeds Rail Stati

Post by MiggyBill »

For anybody interested in what is still in situ under and around Leeds Station the following videos on YouTube are excellent, as are many others by Adventure Me.

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Re: Currently exposed start of a long time blocked-off water channel that ran from the River Aire under Leeds Rail Stati

Post by mhoulden »

The planning documents for the Bishopsgate St and New Station St rebuild have a lot of information about what was there before the work started and what they want to replace it with: ... NWNJBGKH00. The planning application reference is 20/02048/FU. There's a lot to look at. I think the design and access statements would be a good start.

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Re: Currently exposed start of a long time blocked-off water channel that ran from the River Aire under Leeds Rail Stati

Post by Leodian »

Thanks MiggyBill for the links to those fascinating videos.
Thanks also to mhoulden for the link to the planning documents that I shall look through (at least some!) for interest in due course. Speaking of the work on Bishopgate Street it seems to have been going on forever! My understanding is that it is expected to complete in 2026.
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