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Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 8:50 pm
by Phill_dvsn
P.S i've just had a look how many times her pictures have been viewed on flickr.It's 2 views per picture-And they were both me!! lol Of course it will creep up a little bit if any of you guys take a peek!

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 9:09 pm
by BramleyFettler
Phill_dvsn wrote: But to give her access to a place for 6 months with nil benefit to Network rail, or Joe public makes me scratch my head!        Where are these pictures of hers then? Do we get to see them? Erm, buy a copy of the YEP to see some of the pics? There are a couple in there.As she is doing it for part of her degree, then the bulk of the photos are probably being held back until the exhibition.The exhibitions are open for viewing by the public so they should be accessible in June.Read the piece, she didn't have access for 6 months, it took six months to gain access.    

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 9:13 pm
by cnosni
Phill_dvsn wrote: It looks to me as a waste of time on network rails part, they could have produced something very interesting there. Six months of waisted time in my opinion, an arty farty student not really having any other purpose other than a self indulgent portfolio. It's to show off to peope who aren't really bothered about the history of the railway station, Leeds, or history at all to be honest. I failed to see any pictures of the place, any history, info, fact, or anything slightly interesting about the station in that Y.E.P story at all.It begs the question... Why lol?         Because she works behind the bar at Bar works,and "Darrel" is my ex colleague who said he was going to sort out me and you getting down there.Darrel drinks in Bar WorksNo wonder we got nowhere Phil,it was being set up for her.And the pics are pants!    

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 9:30 pm
by Phill_dvsn
cnosni wrote: Phill_dvsn wrote: It looks to me as a waste of time on network rails part, they could have produced something very interesting there. Six months of waisted time in my opinion, an arty farty student not really having any other purpose other than a self indulgent portfolio. It's to show off to peope who aren't really bothered about the history of the railway station, Leeds, or history at all to be honest. I failed to see any pictures of the place, any history, info, fact, or anything slightly interesting about the station in that Y.E.P story at all.It begs the question... Why lol?         Because she works behind the bar at Bar works,and "Darrel" is my ex colleague who said he was going to sort out me and you getting down there.Darrel drinks in Bar WorksNo wonder we got nowhere Phil,it was being set up for her.And the pics are pants!     Mate your weren't good looking enough haha We'll get there in the end

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 9:35 pm
by Phill_dvsn
Bloody hell mate, get worried!! I just got a copy of the paper too, the pics are pants your right. Might have been better if she took the lens cap off lol     

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 9:57 pm
by cnosni
Phill_dvsn wrote: Bloody hell mate, get worried!! I just got a copy of the paper too, the pics are pants your right. Might have been better if she took the lens cap off lol      Hats off to her for succeeding where we failed,but i cant help wondering what you could have done with some of your spooky lighting and me peeing up against the wall in the corner??Imagine the artistic kudos.

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 10:00 pm
by Phill_dvsn
cnosni wrote: Phill_dvsn wrote: Bloody hell mate, get worried!! I just got a copy of the paper too, the pics are pants your right. Might have been better if she took the lens cap off lol      Hats off to her for succeeding where we failed,but i cant help wondering what you could have done with some of your spooky lighting and me peeing up against the wall in the corner??Imagine the artistic kudos. Never tried a long exposure light painted pee before!Lets not go there lol

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 10:02 pm
by cnosni
Phill_dvsn wrote: cnosni wrote: Phill_dvsn wrote: Bloody hell mate, get worried!! I just got a copy of the paper too, the pics are pants your right. Might have been better if she took the lens cap off lol      Hats off to her for succeeding where we failed,but i cant help wondering what you could have done with some of your spooky lighting and me peeing up against the wall in the corner??Imagine the artistic kudos. Never tried a long exposure light painted pee before!Lets not go there lol Id need a skin full of ale to pee for a long exposure,dont mind the drinking but being exposed for a long tim ewith you taking a pic is likely to lead to arrest of one or both of us.Best forget all about it

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 10:54 pm
by BIG N
Now I'm not one to gloat but just thought I would gloat by copy and pasting one of my very first posts on this site back in Dec 2007.It was posted in a long running thread entitled "Tunnels from City station"..............................Apologies for my late contribution to this thread, but I have only just discovered this excellent site.Tunnels running from Central Station into (and beyond) the city - fact or fiction?Well we all know how urban myth's tend to snowball until they are either proved or, more often than not, dispelled - however, let me relate to you something I was told by two totally different people.Both worked for the Telecoms section of what was then Railtrack and both people told me of a Control room that is several stories below ground level under City station, further more both people told me that there were indeed a series of tunnels linking various buildings up around the city such as City hall, the Town hall, various police stations - including Milgarth and the old headquarters building close to International pool - along with hospitals, the BBC buildings, and several council buildings on the outskirts of town.Both people informed me that they were aware of the links these tunnels provided as they contained "live" phone and power links from the various outposts back to the control room under the station and that it was part of their responsabilitys to maintain these links, and more importantly the control room in full working order.I was shown where the enterance to this room was but was told by the person that showed me that it was more than their job was worth to try taking me down there, but the door is still in place and as a matter of fact I passed it a couple of weeks ago whilst taking a friend to the station, it is very close to the general public area in the booking hall.One of the people also told me there were a great number of tunnels that had been bricked up or sealed which would seem to be supported by photos earlier in this thread............................I guess this is the reason it took this young lady so long to recieve permission to go in there, remember - I was a railway employee at the time and two people were afraid to take me down there.Perhaps the couple of piccys released to the YEP are poor quality, maybe thats the same of the rest but perhaps she has only sent them the poor stuff, choosing to save the real quality till her exibition, perhaps the benifit of the doubt until such time ??Incidentally, I dont think anything can be seen of this control room from the dark arches area, as I recall, I was told its a sealed area without windows etc.Oh and lets not forget, if I'm correct, todays platform 8 at Leeds is the old number five - the first through platform when you get through the barriers, so in actual fact there is a big chance the bulk of this complex is under the concourse etc, in fact knowing where the surface door is - it is deffo under the concourse.Gloat over guys LOL    

Posted: Tue 09 Mar, 2010 11:00 pm
by Phill_dvsn
The tunnel under Millgarth police station is the Meanwood beck. So i wouldn't believe all what you hear about those tunnels from the Telecoms guys to be honest Big N!