Strange tunnels under Commercial Street

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Post by Phill_dvsn »

Leodian wrote: Workers were able to see the original frontages of old buildings - including a hotel with a wrought iron staircase still intact.” PS. I wonder if the last bit in particular is true? Yes it is Leo, I know first hand because I worked on that Landmark Leeds job when I was still doing joinery, we had to shutter the old cellars up with concrete reinforcement when they accidentally broke through. We had to work in a few shops cellars too, the Sock shop, the record shop that was there (was it Jumbo?) The library were just a few. Those hidden cellars caused a lot of extra work and help up the job considerably. I could kick myself now because I wasn't into photography or anything like I do today. In those days I was too busy watching the girls go by, oh and a little bit of work     
My flickr pictures are here lunacy was the influence for an album. It goes without saying that an album about lunacy will breed a lunatics obsessions with an album - The Dark side of the moon!

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Post by Leodian »

That made me Phill. We probably all had other things on our mind than carrying a camera around to take photos when younger.
A rainbow is a ribbon that Nature puts on when she washes her hair.

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