Leeds Lost Schools

Bunkers, shelters and other buildings
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big s
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Post by big s »

beestonlad wrote: No, I went to Cockburn High but my mate Derek Middleton did go to Matthew Murray - left sixth form in 1973.Anyone out there go to Cockburn between 1966 and 1973 by any chance? yes,left in 1973.
at least until the world stops going round.

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Post by carrotol »

Sorry to be so long replying. I went to West Leeds girls in late 70's. And thanks Arry for sayin not all teachers are wallies. Although I agree, a lot are. And I can think of better words for them which, being a responsible adult, I would never dream of using (T**s**s) : ).Was any one at the school in sixties and remember the Jowett sisters? Four of them. I can't say I'll be sorry to see the school go, only because it is such an ugly building.Does any other saddo ever dream of winning lottery and buying and living in an old leeds school, warehouse, mill? Or is that just me?Speaking of mills. What are they doing with the mill facing Armley Park? That was one of the ones I wanted to live in. The surrounding wall is down and looks like work going on there.Phew! Out of breath now

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Post by farbank »

Thought this was 'Lost Leeds Schools'.? But Winker Green Mill opp. Armley Park is being developed into posh[?] apartments.! {Flats really}.

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Post by rikj »

Leeds is losing lots of schools at the mo. Matthew Murray, recently demolished. (Funny, the Matthew Murray Tunnel, built to keep the noise of the road from the school, was recently re-furbished at great cost. Just before the school was closed).Braim Wood has the dozers in at the mo, and not much left.Royal Park, left to rot.Becketts Park, shutting I think.Headingley Primary, shut.Old Primrose site, demolished.What a scandal these new PFI schools are. Both Mucky Merlin and Primrose have had to be closed because of faults in the new buildings. In one new school the company who have the maintenance contract (for the next 20 odd years) charged £75 for replacing a toilet seat ! What happened to sending the caretaker down to Wilkos and getting one for a fiver?Oh well, it's only our council tax paying for it all.

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Post by simonm »

Can't find piccie on Leodis, but there used to be an old school opposite the police garage on Belle Vue Rd. Sorry, can't remember the name!!
I WANT TO BE IN THE "INCROWD" :)"Those who sacrifice Liberty for security deserve neither!!"

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Post by arry_awk »

Hi Si!That was Bellevue Road Girls'(only) School!They were mostly seniors and we lads had a lovely time timeat midday and 4pm when lots of them used to troop downthose steps thru the Rosebanks.Actually,we were spoilt for choice as the lasses from Arthur's Clothing Factory would come up and down also at closing time,Knew quite a few of them!Cheers Arry

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Post by Footy »

Anyone out there who went to St Benedicts RC...? Could hardly be classed as an 'old' school. I'll bet there are not many people who see their school built and then demolished in their life span.It was on the Leeds Bradford road opposite a pub called the British Oak. The site is now a housing estate, the pub is still there.R.I.P. Mr McCann the best teacher there. (in my days)Also the 'Good Shepherd' Bramley Town End building still there but no longer a school.And lastly, from me don't want to hogg on my 1st post..!Alan Bennets old school at Lawnswood, was called Leeds Modern in his day. Now gone and a rather tacky modern replacement stands on the site. IMHO of course.!

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Post by magic »

JanCee, Do you know if there is any pics on Leodis of the school "Beckett Street County Primary"

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Post by arry_awk »

Nay Footy lad!How long since you were on that stretch of LB Road?Think if you check back a few weeks on Lost Pubsyou'll find the pub was the ' OAKTREE' (Bound to be British!!!)and that it too, is no longer 'with us'!My EX Son in law went to 'St Cami-nics' so no wonder it was pulleddown. Probably in great shame at what it had unleashed upon the unsuspecting public (And my daughter!). I Think that The Good Shepherd building at Bramley Town Endis now a glorified 'Vets for Pets' Veterinary service establishment!If the 'Good Shepherd' left any of his 'lame sheep' in the buildinghe'll get a hefty Vet's Bill if He wants them back! And How!Hope that's not a sacreligious statement? Sorry!Welcome to the Nut House,Footy!Cheers Arry Awk

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Post by drapesy »

Feed my Lambs....
__TFMF_liqsp1450co43qmbxuko5j35_6f6dd359-127d-41dd-9ba4-c2a1f9e4fcd8_0_MaintainAspect.jpg (27.05 KiB) Viewed 4002 times
there are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand ternary, those that don't and those that think this a joke about the binary system.

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