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Post by dogduke »

In a recent thread addition about a Meanwood woodssuicide the victim in 1892 was George Henry Burnellwho was a 'puddler'What on earth was a puddler - ?
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Post by dogduke »

Sorry-not read it properly,the man who found the body was a 'puddler'Question has been asked on that thread.Late post = too much ale some nights.
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Post by Leodian »

Talking of puddlers this is an entry for April 3 1871 in John Mayhall's 'Annals of Yorkshire' vol III:-

"A puddler named Frederick Drake was thrown into the river Aire, at Leeds, and drowned by another puddler named William Whitehouse during an altercation. Whitehouse was committed for manslaughter".

Not knowing what a puddler was I found this in the Wikipedia encyclopaedia website:- "An iron puddler or (often merely puddler) is an occupation involved in the manufacture of iron. The process of puddling was the occupation's chief responsibility and involvement. Puddling was an improved process to convert pig iron into wrought iron with the use of a reverberatory furnace. Working as a two man crew, a puddler and helper could produce about 1500 kg of iron in a 12-hour shift. The strenuous labor, heat and fumes caused puddlers to have a very short life expectancy, with most dying in their 30s.".
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Post by j.c.d. »

There a famous footballer who played for his club and England who was also an Iron Puddler he was well known as a hard case on the field. I can't remember his name (Arnold something or other) It was about 70 years ago and in my comic.

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