Growing up on Queenswood Drive.

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Growing up on Queenswood Drive.

Post by Luppy »

We moved into one of the brand new houses on Queenswood Drive in 1953(ish) till 1962 when we 'emigrated' to the tropical climes of the Isle of Wight.
My main memories were;
Lived at No.160.(I was 4 in 1955).
Neighbours at 162 were the Flemingtons.
Went to Beckets Park Junior school (Mr Wraith was the frightening headmaster)
Friends names were Tony Baines, Alwyn Kennedy
Played on the grassy slope behind the houses in the summer, sliding down in cardboard boxes which we took from behind the shops opposite Ghyll Road.
Creeping under the railings at the top of the field, going into the teacher training grounds to play football and cricket.
Climbing the trees, running like mad when the guard with the deadly alsatian dog came into site (only some bloke walking his dog !!).
Climbing up one side of the Queen Victoria monument, crawling across the top then down the other side.
Going up in the lift to the top of the 10 storey flats over near Spen Lane.
Standing on the railway bridge off a path near Woodlands Gardens when the steam trains belched out soot all over us.

Wow, the memories come flooding back, Please respond if you were around in those days as it would be a great way to celebrate my 70th next week !!

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Re: Growing up on Queenswood Drive.

Post by MargaretC »

I knew someone who lived on Queenswood Drive in those days : Stuart Jefferson

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Re: Growing up on Queenswood Drive.

Post by blackprince »

The 10 story flats off Spen Lane were called Norman Towers . My aunt lived on the ground floor.
I lived in a house off Spen Lane in 1958.We only lived there for a year. I was aged 10 and continued going to my old school in Harehills, so I never really got to know any of the local kids.
The winter of 1958/9 must have been snowy because I remember seeing the college students skiing down the steep slope at the back of the college, something I had only seen at the cinema before. Maybe it sowed a seed in my mind because I took up skiing in later life and enjoyed it for over 30 years.
It used to be said that the statue of the Black Prince had been placed in City Square , near the station, pointing South to tell all the southerners who've just got off the train to b****r off back down south!

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