Photographing Orbs - Any Success?

Hauntings, spectres and other supernatural tales
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Post by liits »

Leodian wrote: Though I've never experienced anything paranormal I happily accept that some people do genuinely believe they have seen and/or heard strange things, like you did at Templenewsam. A scientific reason can often be suggested, but some do remain unexplained. Perhaps some people have an innate abilty to sense paranormal things. Off topic slightly but there are indications for example that some animals seem to be able to sense if an earthquake is about to occur. I have experience with the thing about animals sensing things. In 2008 [27th Feb ] when I still lived in my pub I was just goung to bed having cashed up and locked up [and taken the dog out for a pee]. He was very unwilling to go and out at all easy generally. Anyway I'd just gotten into bed when the dog went barmy. Being an English Bulldog he wasn't prone to fits of anything other than sleeping. He wasn't looking in any particular direction just running around [another rare thing for him] and barking like mad. This went on for around a minute when the doors in my bookcase started to rattle followed by the most enormous thump.I thought that either we had locked somebody in downstairs or somebody was trying to break in - one or the other. As I was getting dressed, one of my live-in staff, an Italian, came bouncing into my flat shouting "Earthquake, Earthquake!"Having gone down and checked the pub I then noticed that the alarm on the bank opposite was going off, as were several car alarms. The first thing I thougt was that somewere, a bomb had gone off.The dog, though, had beaten them all to it! He'd been alarmed for about an hour before the event happened. As an aside, I was astonished to discover that the quake had happened in Lincolnshire and yet could be felt in London!    

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Post by Spackler »

I know this is slightly off topic as its not about photographing them but I have a question (seeing as though Steve Jones is on this thread and may be able to help)I had an experience on a quiet road in Leeds where in daylight an orb, which id describe as the size of a melon, and appeared to be a mass of black gas with an empty inside came towards my car. Another way of describing it would be to say it was like a globe of Earth spinning where the countries were the gas and everything else invisible.Anyway it appeared about 10 yards in front of me and moved towards my windscreen as I drove towards it and just around impact it vanished.I was totally baffled and can't find any other reference to similar experiences on the internet.I wondered if Steve or anyone else had come across such a thing?

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Steve Jones
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Post by Steve Jones »

not heard of exactly what you describe Spackler although strange things appearing and vanishing are commoner than you would think.Such things as black dogs,hooded shapes etc are seen quite often included lotso f other stuff.Fortean Times have published 4 selections of experinces of readers under the title "it Happened to me" which feature stuff similar.You might want to check out the latest edition (available from WH Smiths amongst others)
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Post by SKE »

Yes, Fortean Times is full of stuff like that. I have all four editions of 'It Happened to Me' and only this morning read about a reader who had problems with columns, shapes and figures of what looked like black gas in his/her house.Back to Orbs, I didn't get to Temple Newsam on Sunday night, so I went there on Monday. I rode my bike up and it was horrible weather. I approached via the street that winds up past the golf course. That road was absolutely black at points, no light from anywhere but my bike lights and I didn't have a good feeling, specially after all I have read here! I got to the 'ampitheatre' bit and took some photos (long exposure, no flash). It was well lit up at the house but I still felt uneasy, luckily the camera gave me somthing to concentrate on. I took quite a few photos, heading to the 'garden' tp the left of the house (as you look at it from the field below). The garden was creepy, I didn't venture to the darker far end of it though, didn't dare after reading in another thread about someone's experiences here. I then headed to the road which leads to Whitkirk church, took a few more pics and rode down that road, quite nervous thinking of all the happenings from this particular area. The wind against me slowed me down and I would have preferred a till day so I could hear anyone (or thing) approaching! Hahaha, yes, I was uneasy alright!I will say that when photographing the ancient chestnut tree, something shot past me on my right hand side, just lower than wais theight, maybe 5 feet away and very fast. I think perhaps a squirrel as it seemed that sort of height but I thought it was higher than the ground as I said and it was very very quick. I just kept concentrating in my camera and accepted it was most likely a squirrel, or maybe rabbit. Also, my speedo stopped working at 3.2 miles (on a 7.25 mile trip - worked out on Map My Run afterwards) which would put it somewhere around the house / road when it conked out. This could be a bit weird, but likely because I maybe snagged a wire when trying to point my light at the road more to see where I was going earlier. It is still working, so the batteries haven't run out - it just stopped picking up signals and I couldn't get a display for a while. When I got home, a little later I put the photos onto the computer and had a good look at them, zooming in quite far to see details as I had taken at 12 megapixels. I got some orbs alright, even without a flash, but I also got lens flares and the odd section of rainbow etc and it was plainly optical effects due to the rain and lights. The photos are quite nice, with the deep, very dark orange sky and lightin effects. I will say that I notcied something faint in a window of the house itself, I see it as a vague figure peering out of the window towards me, though I have a good imagination! I have doctored the shot a little in photoshop to see the shaope easier and shown it to one or two people Not saying it is a ghost at al.. but it could be. I will try and display it somewhere - maybe my Tumblr page and include a link, but as I say, it is very faint and likely just my imagination.

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Steve Jones
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Post by Steve Jones »

yes,the road to Temple Newsam is interesting at night.I walked up it on Halloween 2 years ago in the dark to an event at the house and back again.I didn't see a thing, but was thinking how rare it is to find somewhere not lit by bright lights nowadays.
Steve JonesI don't know everything, I just like to give that impression!

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Post by Cuds214 »

I live in Scholes - lived in the same house for 40yrs since the day I was born almost. My grandparents lived here too and so did my parents ... a few years ago i was filming an extension we were having built about half 9 at night basically following the development of it and on this one occasion we were talking about my dad and hoping he would approve of the huge extension and it wasnt until my son watched it back that he noticed the orb ..... we went back outside and purposely filmed in the same placed asking if it was you dad and this orb came back from no where and was fluttering about like a trooper .... we hear the stairs creak when we are in bed, dads cough and his heavy breathing has been heard numerous times as he was a heavy smoker .. we know every creak in this house and when your in the house on your own you know what should be creaking and what shouldnt ... sometimes the cats have freaked out looking at the top of the stairs .. my sister was woken by side board draws rattling one night .. tv switches itself back on when we turn everything off to go to bed .. that happens loads of times ... we come down in a morning and lights have been switched on ... we have alsorts going on ... no need for me not to believe what I see and hear
caroline white

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Post by zip55 »

Here's a photo from a while ago ...

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Post by zip55 »

Let's try again ...
__TFMF_fsngqgmgvpjydfa4ilffupqm_d7a4a48d-14ea-438d-8e6f-00aaf3a9ced3_0_main.jpg (11.45 KiB) Viewed 2642 times

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