Stonegate Road Manor House Moortown

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Post by Diamondeyes »

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Post by Robint »

Firstly I must say what a great job diamondeyes has done on researching the history of the Manor House.From May 1954 until November 1955, my father Fred Tindale, was employed as chauffeur to Mr. Alfred Booth, whose two cars were a green Bentley and a black Buick, my mother was employed as a cleaner in the Manor House. We lived in the Manor House Bungalow, which was situated to the rear of the manor house walled garden and about 50 yards east of the farm buildings.This was an idyllic time for a 9/10 year old boy, helping out on the farm, bringing the cows in for milking, (hand milking 6 Jerseys), helping with haymaking, hoeing crops, feeding pigs, hens and turkeys, and being enthralled by watching litters of piglets being born.The farm consisted of a large barn, a mistal just big enough for six cows, this also had quite a large dovecote above it, six pigstys 30 yards in front of the bungalow, where we would sometimes see a group of rats running in and out of the feeding troughs. There were four or five sheds in which the farm machinery was housed.The dairy was a room at the west side of the bungalow, where the milk was put through coolers and then into churns, no pasteurization, just wonderful cold creamy milk.The estate at that time ran from the north side of the fire station estate, all the way to King Lane, it also included two fields just to west of King Lane, and from Stonegate Road to what is now the ring road.As I recall there were two farm workers, one was Ronnie Winters (I think), but I can't remember the other man's name.It really was a great time of my life, outdoors morning till night, roaming the fields, climbing trees, spotting all the wild life that seemed to abound in that area, with my friend Gordon Denning, a firemans son.I remember being caught on more than one occasion, by Mr. Stubbs, the gardener, feasting ourselves on peas, (trying to hide between the rows), or making ourselves ill on sour apples.To get to school, I had to take a shortcut through a hole in the hedge, on the corner of one of the fireman's gardens, Mr Veitch's, call for Gordon and head off along the ring road to the Moortown Primary School annexe, which was situated I believe, on the site now occupied by Highfield School. That was for the first two months and then we moved to the main school building after the summer holidays.At that time there seemed to be quite a number of firemen's children the same age as myself, I remember playing and helping to build bonfires on the waste ground behind the firestation.

Posts: 18
Joined: Thu 29 Mar, 2007 5:36 pm

Post by Diamondeyes »

Robint - Thank you so much for sharing your fascinating insight into life on the Manor House estate in the 1950's. Although you weren't there for long, it obviously had a lasting impression on you. It sounds idyllic... Such a shame that it is all long gone but great that your memories can live on on this site! :0)

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