Anybody Know The Story?

Bunkers, shelters and other buildings
String o' beads
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Post by String o' beads »

No, I haven't heard of any photographers being arrested for taking pictures of their children. But I'll have a read of that website later, thanks.I wouldn't have thought that legally they could do much more than give you a hard stare. Any anyway, why? As you've demonstrated, if you wanted to spring someone you can just look on Google maps.     

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Post by Phill_dvsn »

Geordie-exile wrote: No, I haven't heard of any photographers being arrested for taking pictures of their children. But I'll have a read of that website later, thanks.I wouldn't have thought that legally they could do much more than give you a hard stare. Any anyway, why? As you've demonstrated, if you wanted to spring someone you can just look on Google maps.      It's the dreaded jobsworth and power with a uniform dreaded syndrome isn't it?Those types always want to get the last word in and win at all costs, no matter how wrong they are!     
My flickr pictures are here lunacy was the influence for an album. It goes without saying that an album about lunacy will breed a lunatics obsessions with an album - The Dark side of the moon!

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Post by Tasa »

A couple of years ago, I was taking a photo of some old wrought iron railings with ivy wrapped around them on Cardigan Road in Headingley. A police car drew up and I was questioned quite closely about why I was taking photos of the property, which I had forgotten was a bail hostel! I explained that it wasn't the property I was interested in, but the railings (I felt like a real plonker!).This wasn't even a secure unit, but the police obviously keep an eye on anyone who appears to be taking an interest.

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Post by chameleon »

I think I posted this some time ago but it's worthy and relevant to a repost here\; in particular the staement mad in the third from last paragraph and stand up for your rightsPhill, surely there's a story in this latest secure unit youve shown us - was it a secret place??    

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Post by Leodian »

Geordie-exile wrote: Why would it be a problem to take photos? *genuine interest* ETA: I thought the secure unit had been closed When I was walking around the abandoned Eastmoor 'village' site in September 2011 the new secure unit just immediately outside the site did look as if it was in use, though I only gave it a passing look.
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Post by Jogon »

Yeah we had the James Bulger killer up our way. And they think Adel is posh

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Post by jonleeds »

Yeah, I know a guy who works at Eastmoor and he told me that at least one of Jamie Bulgers killers, I think it was venables was there at one point. The current secure unit at Eastmoor is very much in operation, its just moved its location slightly and of course you cant go wandering around the place.I've been stopped and questions for taking photos of derelict places and incredibly I've had to have my picture taken by security guards as they accused me of 'doing a recce' and that I would be back later to steal scrap metal - even though I was on a push bike! What a joke... So beware where you go trespassing as thanks to these pikey metal thieves most derelict spots that are great to explore have paranoid security patrols who would be more than happy to call the police and see you carted off to the local nick / be prosecuted for trespassing. And if you get gripped on a Friday / Saturday then you could be in for a full weekend in solitary confinement at the Leeds Bridewell until you get into the Magistrates Court about 1pm on Monday. Thats not something most law-abiding people would look forwards to. Believe me this can happen to you!
Have your fun when you're alive - you won't get nothing when you die... have a good time all the time! - Chumbawumba!

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Post by draceana »

Hello and thankyou for all your replies.I went for a walk around the old eastmoor site this afternoon. I think its a shame ols stone built buildings like this are derelict and going to be pulled down. Its all boarded up and there is no access at all to the inside. There is also a awful modern building on the site that does need to go.Yes the secure unit next door is in use and there are many CCTV overlooking the parameter so did not even look in that direction. No camera with me so didnt really worry about being accused of anything other than a ramble. I love the area, and off to your right as you go towards the site is a little lane called "spring hill" that is really nice little spot to live. Strange i never came across this area before whilst out walking. Just goes to show you never know whats around the corner.

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Post by Leodian »

I occasionally walk past the row of cottages on Spring Hill. They do look old and there were buildings there in at least 1893 from a map that I've seen. I suspect at least some might be original. They are certainly in a secluded area!
A rainbow is a ribbon that Nature puts on when she washes her hair.

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Post by draceana »

Goodmorning all.I am interested to know if anyone can point me in the direction of any info and photos of Springhill Terrace LeedsLS6 4EY.Not sure where to post so.....I have looked on Leodis site and there is only one photo ... 9_168672.I believe the land they are built on was once (in the 1880s) was called Pasture close. The footpath at the front of the houses (there is only vehicular access to the back of the propertys and that is monkbridge road) forms part of the meanwood valley trail. Just beyond the footpath was a mill race (shown on this photo on leodis) which was diverted into the meanwood beck which flows alongside at the end of the gardens (the meanwood valley trail cuts the front gardens in half). The little island between the mill race and the beck was known as Isle of Man close.This terrace of houses seems to be quite well known and i am surprised i cannot find any more info.

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